Gem Quest Part 2: Eternity

Parvo's Base, unknown location. Parvo and Groomer walk in, Immortal Gem in hand. Parvo places it on a pedastal and sits down in his chair.

"With this gem I will become invincible!"

"And what about me?"

Standing in the doorway is Bo Chase.

"Ah Mr. Chase. I assure you, you will get what's coming to you."

"I hope so."

"Groomer, fetch that manuscript we found."

"Yes General."


"An ancient Matal manuscript. A tribe of Indians from South America who were supposedly the keepers of the Immortal Gems. The Matal were an established culture even before the Aztec, Maya and even Olmecs were just beginning. We found it on one of my jaunts to the Amazon. The Matal Indians disappeared suddenly with no trace leaving only that manuscript in a tiny building hidden away for centuries.


Another area of the base, Wesley and Outlaw disguised as Cano-Mutants walk through the area.

"Hail Parvo!"

"Hail Parvo!"

The other mutant continues on.

"What an egomaniac." says Outlaw

"I know. Say, look at this."

They enter a room housing a special Cano-Mutator. Wesley takes out a device and activates it. Then they turn off their Changeling Belts.

"That surveylence blocker should work."

"All righty then, let's see what Parvo's up to in here." says Outlaw

Wesley picks up a clipboard and reads what's on it.

"Oh my---Look at this!"

"He's found the calibration that made me immortal! Has he used it?"

"No. In fact he's planning on using it soon."

"Muck it up Hawk! Now!"

"OK, give me some time here."

Wesley goes to work on the mutator computer.

"There. Now the calibration is off. I've erased the calibration numbers for it and put in new ones."

"Good let's go."

Parvo's throne room. He's reading over the manuscript when the Groomer enters.

"Excuse me General but we have some unexpected visitors. They've been captured without incident."

"Bring them in."

Silver, Beowulf and Saphire are brought in guarded by two Cano-Mutants each.

"Well, what a surprise. Where's Hawk and Outlaw?"


"Find them!!"

"At once General!"

"Well well, looky who we got here."

They look towards the voice and see Bo Chase standing in the doorway. Beowulf growls and lunges toward Chase but his guards hold him back.

"Chase! I'm going to rip your heart out and eat it!"

"That's enough Beowulf!" says Silver

"You will make interesting Cano-Mutants." says Parvo "Take them to the Cano-Mutator."

"At once General."

Corridors. Silver, Beowulf and Saphire are escorted by a Cano-Mutant each. They pass by two other mutants. After they pass they turn around and stun the other mutants. Outlaw and Wesley turn off their changeling belts.

"About time." says Saphire

"What did you learn?" says Outlaw

"Bo Chase is back and working for Parvo." says Beowulf

"Your kidding?"

"I wish. Let's go."

Modified Cano-Mutator room. Parvo and Groomer are here along with another mutant.

"Now then, let's see if this calibration of your works Groomer."

"Yes General. Step into the chamber."

The Mutant steps in and the door closes. Groomer works the controls of the device and starts it up. Electricty coarses through the Mutator. Groomers eyes widen.

"This can't be!"



They both run out of the building just as the special Mutator explodes taking most of the room with it.

"I thought you had the calibration Groomer!"

"So did I."

"Plan B."

Throne room. Bo Chase is sitting in Parvo's chair getting a feel for it. He see's the manuscript sitting nearby and looks at it. He picks it up and walks to the stand the gem is on. Haltingly he recites what's on the manuscript and the gem begins to glow an eerie green.

"That's incredible!"

"You fool!" shouts Parvo "Stop what your doing!"

Electricty flows out from the gem and encases Bo. He screams in agony. The Maddogs run in.

"Parvo what have you done?!" says Outlaw

"That fool read the manuscript wrong! It has to be read exactly or it will destroy the user!"

Bo's body disintegrates. Lightning shoots from the gem, leaving holes in whatever it hits.

"The manuscript! I must save it!"

A bolt of lightning strikes it where it lays, leaving a hole in the floor where it was.


"Evacuate at once!" shouts Groomer

"Time to put a stop to this!" says Beowulf

Beowulf sets his laser pistol to full and fires, shattering the gem.

"Let's go!" says Outlaw

Before leaving Wesley pockets a small piece of the gem. The Maddogs run through various corridors and finally outside. They take cover as Parvo's base explodes. RRMC briefing room.

"And the last gem was destroyed?"

"Got that right." says Beowulf

"I just hope we've seen the last of that business." says Outlaw

"I truly doubt it." says Wesley

Corridors. Wesley finds a corner and takes out the piece he pocketed.

"This might come in handy some day. Who knows, it should be put to good use. "

To be continued.....