Ambush Pt 2

International waters, just off Australia. The Retriever is sailing along at a reduced speed. Bowser is on the bridge, grim faced.

"Has Tailspin finished the modifications to the helicopters yet?"

"Just finishing sir." says Winston.

"Is Patton's team ready?"

"Yes sir."


"Nothing yet sir."

The crew anxiously waits for something to happen.

"Contact!" shouts Bengal "Three torpedoes coming on our starboard side!"

"Hard to port!" shouts Emerald

"Patton, fire!"

Small arms fire shoots out from the side as the torpedoes get closer and then explode just short of the ship.

"What the...?" replies Winston

"What's wrong?"

"I'm getting a message from an old friend of ours."

"Put it on."

"Captain Bowser, how nice to see you again."

"Kaiser!" growls Bowser "Where are you, you backstabbing----"

"Ah, ah, ah. Temper, temper captain. I've got three KH Military submarines at my command, and an unlimited number of torpedoes."

"I highly doubt that."

"No matter. We want your ship, it has become a nuisance to the KH high command."

"You tried once to take it from us. And we took it back. There hasn't been a carrier sinking since World War II."

"Well then, I'm going to change that statistic. Me and my friends here will turn that hunk of metal into a floating garbage heap by the time we're done with it. Nice knowing you Captain Bowser."

Bengal shoves Winston out of the way.

"We'll make you regret that remark you dogface! If I ever get a hold of you I'll sink my sabre's into you so fast----"

"As you were Bengal!"

Bengal growls but goes back to his post.

"Winston, can the Australian government send anything to bring us in?"

"They have an anti submarine ship on the way, but it won't come until tomorrow afternoon, when we enter Australian waters."

"I want round the clock surveilance from now until then."


"Can't we detect these submarines?" says Bowser several hours later.

"Sorry sir." says Bengal "They must be made of something that masks themselves from sonar---incoming to port!"


Missile room. Bowser and Jocky are here talking.

"Can you rig several missiles to home in on the engine noise of those submarines?"

"Hmm, probably sir. But it will take several hours to do just one.

"Get on it."

"And sir, if it doesn't find a submarine, it may home in on our engine noise."



Namib is on the bridge talking to Bowser.

"We've taken five torpedoes in the past several hours. One compartment is flooded completely, the watertight doors are doing their job. My crew has been run ragged."

"We're all being run ragged right now Namib."

"Here we go again." says Bengal "Two torpedoes incoming from starboard."

"Missile room to bridge, missile ready sir."

"Launch it!"

The missile launches, heads skyward for a minute then turns and heads for the ocean. It splashes into the ocean and then a great plume of water, debris and oil spews up. The bridge erupts into cheers.

"Bulls-eye Jocky! Get another one ready!"

"Aye sir"

"Tailspin is taking off sir." says Emerald "His modified sonar is working and his depth charges are armed and ready."


In the cockpit of his chopper, Tailspin is at the controls as a West Highland White sits behind him. Depth charges fill the back cabin.

"Ready Buzz?"

"Ready sir."

"Okay, I'm turning on our sonar."

"Got something at 10:00." says Buzz

Tailspin moves the chopper that way.

"We're over it, drop 'em!"

Tailspin pushes a button on his stick and three charges drop into the water. They explode sending guyser of water into the air.

"I think we wounded them!" says Buzz "Again!"

Three more drop and explode. Debris and oil comes to the surface.

"Nice shot you two!" says Bowser "Head back in and rearm."

"Aye sir." says Tailspin.


"Jocky reports the second missile is ready sir." says Winston



Bridge of KH Military sub. Kaiser is looking into the scope and growls.

"We're not going alone! All tubes, fire!"

Eight torpedoes shoot from the submarine directly for the Retriever.

"Patton, everything you got, fire!"

At the same moments as the missile hits and destroys the sub, three torpedoes find their mark on one section of the ship. Everyone is knocked off their feet as alarms blare through the ship.

"Namib!" Bowser shouts into a pickup

"We're screwed sir! Three whole sections have been blown open. We're closing the water doors."

"Get your people out of there now!"


Hours later, two sea going tugs guide the listing Retriever into Sydney Harbor. Shocked Australians watch from the shore and bridges as the ship enters a dock. The Retriever has finaly made it to a friendly port.

to be continued.....