Home, Sour Home

Savannah Georgia. Tex and Cobalt are sitting in the waiting room of the local Road Rover headquarters division of Georgia. A poodle secretary answers the intercom.

"You can go in now."

Tex and Cobalt go into the room and find Hunter and Colleen sitting behind a desk. Both Tex and Cobalt salute.

"At ease." says Hunter "Your obviously curious why I wanted to see you two today."

"Yes sir." says Tex "The Retriever is due to set sail from Daytona tomorrow."

"This won't take long, lad." says Colleen "There's something we need you to look into first."

"Up along the Georgia/South Carolina border there's a town where a small band of human are preaching against us cano-sapiens and other mutants. Now we can't prove it yet, but a Strayer team sent in to investigate them has disappeared. We believe this band to be hostile agaisnt all mutants."

"Where do I fit in?" says Tex

"The leader's of this band are Sheldon and Mimi McCoy." says Hunter

Tex looks between the two of them in shock

"My own parents?!"

"Too right lad." says Colleen. "We need to prove they killed that team so we can nip this in the bud right quick."

"Your wasting your time sending me." says Tex "When I told them about my accident with the Transdogmafier, they immediatly disowned me. They weren't happy that I volunteered to head the Marine Corps sapien program, and now they down right despise me."

"Which is why your going." says Hunter "The town is a speck on the map and they don't like the law hanging around which is why they fortified the town limits. There are only about 50 people in this town, but more people come every week."

"We have someone on the inside right now who's working for us. Your parents believe she's out getting supplies right now."

"Who is she?"


Tex look at the door to an ajoining room and sees a young woman standing there.


"You know her?" says Cobalt

"She's my sister. Your working in there against mom and dad?"

"That's right. They're going to far."

Lisa turns to Hunter and Colleen.

"Are you sure this is my brother, Tex?"

"This from the girl who I took to her high school prom when no boy asked her out." says Tex

"Oh, Tex. What have you done to yourself?"

"An accident."

"Some accident. I know you liked furries when you were a teen but this is rediculous."

"Hmph, you should see the emails and letters we get from furry fans begging us to change them." says Hunter

"What's the name of this town?" says Cobalt

"Mansville." says Lisa "I know, I know." she replies on seeing Tex roll his eyes "Dumb name, but its what they chose. So how about it big brother, you in or out?"

"Having to go up against my parents." says Tex "This is gonna hurt."

"Granted." says Colleen "But its important."

Tex looks at Cobalt, she nods.

"We're in."

"We?" says Lisa "And who is this?"

"Cobalt, I'm his wife."

Lisa's eyebrows raise.

"How come you never said anything? Wait--don't answer that. So where'd you get married?"

"In Tokyo, during the ship's refit." says Tex

"Okay. Let's get going then."

Tex and Cobalt salute Hunter again and head out. On a road leading to Mansville, Lisa is behind the wheel, Tex and Cobalt in the back of the van sitting on crates. Cobalt is looking out the front window.

"Wow, this area's pretty rural isn't it?"

"We grew up here." says Tex "This is the boondocks of Georgia, its the equivolent of Tatooine around here."

"But without the sand dunes." says Lisa.

"So have mom and dad picked a name for this mob of there's?" says Tex

"The Human League, and yes, I know it sounds lame. Dad isn't too creative these days."

They ride along in silence for a while.

"Ok, we're nearing the town. Remember, stay under those tarps until I tell you to come out. I'll be taking you to an apartment building next door to mom and dad, you can observe them from there. Get down."

Tex and Cobalt get under a tarp and wait. Lisa slows the van down as she comes to a barrier in the road.

"Took your time getting back Lisa." says the guard

"I wasn't gone that long."

"Whatever. Remember, your parents are staging another town rally in the square tonight at 7:00."

"Thanks, Mike."

Lisa drives the van on. After several minutes Lisa backs the van into a parking space in front of an apartment door; the back doors of the van to the apartment. After parking it several men come by and help Lisa take the supplies away, all the while Tex and Cobalt stay hidden under the tarp. After an hour.

"Okay, no one's around. Get inside."

Tex and Cobalt make it in the apartment and unpack a backpack full of equipment.

"Remember, stay here, and you won't get in trouble." says Lisa.

"Got it."

"I gotta help set up that rally. It's right across the way from here. I'm sure you got some fancy Road Rover equipment that'll help you observe. See you later."

Lisa leaves and the two of them set up their equipment. A tiny camera is places at a corner of the window and shows the main square. After several hours people begin to converge.

"They almost look like those anti-blacks I've heard about." says Cobalt.

"The Ku Klux Klan. Yeah, dad must be serious about this."

A mini microphone they placed on Lisa picks up everything they say.

"My fellow brethern of the Human League!" begins Sheldon "This is a great day for us! We have gained new members and soon we wipe those freaks from the face of the Earth. If it wasn't for those monstrocities like the Road Rovers, none of these so-called "supervillians" would exist, and our world would be a better place.

Let us celebrate tonight by sacrificing another of the monsters. The last member of of this so-called Strayer team, who claim to be deputized by the U.S. government, but we all know their plan of taking over the world from within, and we will not let them do it!"

The crows roars their approval.

"Bring out the sacrifice!"

A shih tzu cano-sapien is dragged, bound and gagged to a kind of altar.

"Good lord!" says Cobalt "A ritual sacrifice!"

Tex takes out a headset and mic.

"This is Dingo calling Yellow Dog, are you recieving? Whatever you have planned I suggest you make it soon!"

"Understood Dingo, we're on our way."

Sheldon has ungagged the Strayer.

"Ready to meet your doom, you freak?"

"You fool! Don't you understand?! We're the good guys!"

Sheldon backhands him across the face.

"SHUT UP!! Those South American natives had the right idea to burn your kind to ashes! Get him up there!"

They strap him down to the altar and ready torches.

"Before we sacrifice this one, let us bring out our two newest sacrifices for later."

He takes out a walkie-talkie.

"Bring them out."

In the apartment, the door to the ajoining one bursts open. Tex and Cobalt are taken by surprise, bound and taken to the ceremony across the street. Sheldon gives them an evil smile.

"Did you really think you could spy on us?"

Tex looks at Lisa who can only stand there wide-eyed.

"Hmm, a Carolina Dog and Chow. What are your names?"


"Captain Tex McCoy, United States Marine Corps."

The audience stirs and Sheldon blinks.

"What?! How dare you use my son's name! He died years ago! I should shoot you right where you stand!"

"I didn't die, dad! I had a small accident, its me! You kill me, you'll be brought up on federal charges. Do you want to go to the electric chair?!"

"My own son, a freak of nature?!"

Sheldon practically seethes with fury. He turns to the torch bearers.

"Torch him!"


Tex gets away from his captors, jumps over the altar and kicks both torch bearers in the face. He grabs a nearby log and uses it in self-defense as Human Leaguers swarm for him.

"Kill them all!!" roars Sheldon

A bright flash interrups them and half the group is frozen solid; a petri grenade. Law officials and a Pouncer unit swarm over the area, Andreas himself leading the charge. Tex spots Sheldon making a break for it and goes after him. He gets into a car and drives off. Tex spots a motorcycle and goes after him. He picks up the bikes CB reciever.

"Give it up dad! Your done! Don't make me do this to my own father!"

"I have no son! And I won't let you take me to be turned into one of you!"

"Are you trying to become the next supervillian that we have to hunt down."

"A fine job you've done of keeping them locked up too!


"Enough! I won't be taken in by the likes of you!"

Without warning one his back tires explodes and he goes fishtailing wildly. He hits a ditch and the car flips over several times. Back in Mansville Cobalt has just gotten off with Tex and is with Lisa.

"He's paralyzed." says Cobalt "The medics are doing what they can for him."

Lisa puts her face in her hands as Mimi McCoy is being led by cops, handcuffed. She hauks and spits at Cobalt's feet before getting into a patrol car.

"Human prejudice never ceases to amaze me." says Cobalt

The Human League has been stopped, but at what price?

to be continued.....