Barrage Attack

"The U.S.J.S. Barrage is a new generation of missile cruiser. A joint undertaking between the U.S. and Japan helped create this vessel. It's total crew compliment is twelve, while the rest is all weapon. Inside its superstructure are missiles of every kind; from Stingers to Patriots. It is our hope that having this ship near a hot spot in the world will discourage future petty wars. And if it doesn't work, we'll be able to put on target a withering barrage of missile fire."

From her office aboard the Retriever, Emerald watches a newscast of the ship's launching as the Barrage's American captain, Deanna Graham, talks with a news reporter. With her is Bengal and Sultan.

"A total crew of twelve?" says Bengal

"Correct." says Sultan "Most of the ship is automated. At the moment, the captain, chief engineer and head computer specialist are all who are on board. The rest of the crew will arrive this afternoon from Kadina Air Base in Okinawa to begin field trials."

"Our job is to help out if needed." says Emerald "We're to observe from a distance as they do their trials. Tell Captain's Denali and Nick to keep back with us and stay clear of her."

"Yes ma'am." says Sultan

Sultan heads out of the room.

"Shall I have Seamus set course for Okinawa?" says Bengal



Kadina Air Base, Okinawa. A Private enters a hangar to put tools away. He spots some bundles on the floor in a darkend corner. One of them moves and he goes over to look. Bound and gagged are the nine crewmembers of the Barrage. He hightails it out of there to inform a superior.


U.S.J.S. Barrage, off the western coast of Okinawa. Captain Graham watches with binoculars as a chopper heads for his ship.

"Its the chopper with the rest of our crew sir." says the Japanese specialist

"Good. Allow them to land."

The chopper lands on the deck and twelve people get off. The doors to main operations burst open and gunmen rush in.

"Hands up! This ship is ours now!"

Twelve men of Asian descent stand aiming weapons.

"Who are you?!" says Graham.

The leader steps up and backhands Captain Graham, knocking her to the floor.

"You will speak only when spoken to woman! I am Major Choi, of the People's Republic of North Korea's special forces. And that is all you need to know."

"North Korea?" says the engineer "What could your people want with this ship?"

"Why, to end the stalemate that has prevented a united Korea and eliminate America's iron gip on the peninsula. Get them out of here, and start up the systems. Let's see what this new ship can do."


Retriever operations area. Sultan, the other ops crew, Emerald and Bengal are here. The commanding general of Kadina Air Base is talking with them at the moment.

"You heard right captain, the crew were overwhelmed by special forces soldiers from North Korea. We've already sent a message to Pyongyang, and they are calling this a rouge operation. Do everything you can to get that ship back. Our forces in South Korea have been put on high alert. Good luck."

"Thank you General." says Emerald.

Emerald turns to Sultan and the others.


"Sending the Ruegger and Mills is out of the question. They'd be sunk before they could even get close." says Bengal

"Air attack?" says Emerald

"We'll look into it captain." says Sultan "We still don't know what that ship is capable of."


In the operations center on the Barrage.

"Major Choi, a squadron of aircraft are approaching from Kadina."

"Swat those flies out of my sky." says Choi

From the deck, multiple missile ports open up and fire off missiles. Every plane in the squadron is destroyed.

"Excellent. Now then, raze Kadina to the ground."

"Yes Major." says one with an evil grin.


Kadina Air Base. Air raid sirens blare as soldiers scramble for cover. One missile releases bomblets and takes out half the planes on the tarmac. Other missiles blast buildings away left and right. Kadina is soon reduced to a smoking ruin.


"Captain Emerald, Kadina has just been attacked!" says Hank.

"I want answers Sultan!" says Emerald

"How about this: We send our best pilot armed with a Scrambling missile?"

"Best idea I've heard all day. Do it."

On the hangar deck, Akira watches as Kenai hefts a missile onto his plane.

"These Scrambler missiles are a real piece of work." says Kenai "This should knock out the Barrage in a second."

"Good." says Akira "Because I heard what those guys did to Kadina. Imagine if they attacked the DMZ in Korea."

"Not a pretty image, that's for sure." says Kenai

Soon, Akira's in the air, flying at almost wavetop level.

"Red Dog Leader to Doghouse, target about twenty miles out."

"Roger Red Dog. Launch when ready."

Akira's instruments get a clean lock then he fires.

"Missile away! Headed home."

On the Barrage

"Show him the price for meddeling in our affairs, corporal." says Choi

The ship fires off another missile, as a gun port rises up and aims at the Scrambler. Within five miles, the gun port opens up and the Scrambler blows up. Meanwhile, Akira is juking and jinking.

"Fox One! Fox One! It's a lousy heat-seeker!"

"Chaf and flares, Red Dog!"

"I already have, no effect. Request permission to eject."

"Captain has OK'd the idea. See you back on the ship Akira."

"Roger. Punching out now!"

Akira ejects from his plane and the missile finds its target. In the operations center on the Retriever Rommel and Chinook enter.

"You believe you can hack into their computers?" says Emerald "How? The Barrage is the most advanced ship on the high seas."

"The Rover satellites, ma'am." says Rommel "They are more advanced; the Master has made sure of that. We can send a tight beam EM pulse at the ship, disabling her."

"Meanwhile, you have Major McCoy and his platoon get in there and retake the ship." says Chinook.


"I'll have Tex get ready immediatly." says Bengal

"Get to it gentlemen." says Emerald.

"Yes ma'am." Rommel and Chinook reply.


On board the Stingray, the mini-sub from the Retriever, Tex and his platoon are ready to storm the Barrage.

"Stand by" says Rommel "EM pulse!"

On the bridge of the Barrage, all the computer systems go out and the room goes black.

"What?! No!" shouts Choi

"Emergency power is off-line, Major!"

"Abandon ship!"

The soldiers hightail it out of the operations center but are intercepted by Tex's platoon. Major Choi, meanwhile, has grabbed Captain Graham, places his gun to her head and takes her on deck.

"Let her go, Major! Now!" shouts Tex

"I think not, dog! I am taking her with me as my hostage. You won't risk harming her."

"What makes you think I'm helpless?" says Graham

"Silence, woman!" shouts Choi.

Captain Graham stomps her foot onto Choi's. While he's distracted, Tex aims and fires, hitting Choi dead center between the eyes. He falls to the deck like a sack of potatoes.

"Nice shooting." says Graham

"First in my class at the gunnery range." says Tex


Emerald's office. Bengal, Sultan and Tex are there.

"Nice job, Major. Keep this up and you might be the next person to get the Road Rover Medal of Honor."

"Just doing my job, ma'am."

"Indeed. Dismissed."

Tex comes to attention, salutes and files out of the room.

"The "Ruegger and the Mills are ready to tow the Barrage to the Kure shipyards." says Bengal

"Her entire computer system has to be replaced." says Sultan

"Make it so." says Emerald.

The End