Eye of the Storm

South China Sea, the Retriever and escorts sail along as storm clouds darken the sky. In Emeralds' office, Bengal, Sultan, Raven, and an Anatolian cano-sapien are here. The Anatolian is speaking.

"I strongly suggest we get out of the South China Sea ma'am. That typhoon brewing between Vietnam and the Phillipines doesn't look to good."

"What does your weather department say about it, Tahoe?" says Emerald

"Its a strong possiblity that it will be the strongest storm to hit these seas in a long time." says Tahoe

Emerald thinks.

"Bengal, tell our escorts to head for Luzon. They don't have to go through this."

"Yes ma'am."

Bengal leaves the room.

"Raven, tell the deck crew to get every plane down to the hangar deck and close the outer doors."

"That will make for a tight fit down there, ma'am."

"I know. Just get it done when this meetings over with. How fierce will this storm be Tahoe?"

"Winds in excess of 230mph, and tidal waves that may wash over our deck." says Tahoe

"Can we not steer around it?" says Sultan

"No sir." says Tahoe "We must go through it, it would be dangerous to get out of the South China Sea at this moment."

Hank runs in and hands Sultan a report.

"Good Lord! That storm's gone past the 230mph barrier! How is this possible?"

"The May 3rd, '99 Oklahoma City tornadoes were a surprise to the experts as well." says Tahoe "This typhoon has reached the F-5 equivalent mark. Like Gary England said in interviews, Oklahoma City was due for an F-5. The South China Sea is no exception for typhoons."

"Batten down the hatches." says Emerald "We are now on full weather alert."

Soon, the Retriever is in the middle of the storm. Sheets of rain fall, lightning flashes and the sea churns. On the bridge, everyone hangs on.

"Look at the size of this storm!" says Patton looking at his radar.

"That's no moon, its a space station." says Bengal

"That's not funny sir." says Seamus "It's an absolute bear trying to keep this ship on course, even with our computerized controls."

"Tidal wave to port!" says a lookout

The wave crashes into the ship, sending water over the flight deck.

"How long will this last?" says Emerald

"Tahoe said roughly 24 hours." says Bengal

"What about our shields?" inquires a lookout

"Already tried that." says Patton "Doesn't work on weather."

"All we can do is hang on." says Emerald


Crew and pilot's lounge. Everyone is trying to hang on to tables, chairs and walls. Dishes crash to the deck after a rough wave.

"Doggone it!" growls Viking "I'm going to be out of plates before this is over! Cletus! I thought I told you to store that stuff!"

Butch, Apache, Tailspin and Rommel try to keep a game of cards going though the storm.

"I'll see your ten and raise you thirty more." says Rommel

"I'm out." says Apache

"Fold." says Butch.

"I'll call you." says Tailspin "Let's see your card."

Rommel flips his card over.

"Oh, he wins the pot again!" says Apache "How do you do it?"

"Sorry, my little secret." says Rommel as he rakes in the chips.

Another wave sends most of the chips clattering to the floor.

"How about some Gin instead?" says Butch.

"Your on." says Rommel


On the hangar deck, the mechanics and other crews are trying to keep upright throught the storm. Unknown to anyone, the ties holding a jet down are coming undone. Kenai spots it.

"Rocko! Get away from that plane!"

The lines give and the plane rolls with the next wave; Rocko is in the way. Kenai runs at top speed and hits the jet shoulder first, giving off a loud bang everyone on the hangar deck can hear.

"Move it, Rocko!" shouts Rika

Rocko dives out of the way as Kenai tries desperatly to keep the jet from crashing into the wall.

"Kenai, get out of there!" shouts Rika.

Kenai is growling loudly in a supreme effort to stop the jet. Several inches from the wall the jet stops and Kenai hops up and down stomping his feet.

"Hot! Hot! Hot! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Rocko uses a fire extinguisher on Kenai's feet as he sits down and fans them. Some of the crew begin to laugh among themselves.

"How cartoonish!" one laughs.

"Shut up and get this plane stowed away!" shouts Rika.

"You okay?" says Rocko

"I'll be fine. Grizzly bear pads can be tough."

Sidewinder enters the hanger and steers herself around the planes.

"Watch yourself commander." says a crewdog "There's water coming through the hangar door here. Were shoring it up now."

"Thanks for the warning."

"All hands brace for impact!" shouts Bengal over the P.A.

The carrier is slammed by a wave. The hangar door bulges dangerously; before anyone can raise the alarm, the door gives way to the power of the typhoon. Sidewinder and several crewdogs are swept up by the force of the water pouring through. The water also knocks loose another plane and it snaps away from its lines. The carriers motion sends the plane, the rushing water and several crewdogs out.



On the bridge, everyone is getting back up.

"Damage control to the hangar deck! Dogs overboard!"

"Incoming!" shouts a lookout.

Another wave heads for the ship, taller than the ship itself, from the opposite side. The wave slams home and several windows on the bridge shatter, sending water pouring in. Emerald staggers back to her chair, soaking wet.

"Damage report!"

"Hanger door gone, several crew washed out sir!" says Slick "The catapaults are down as well, as are communications!"

Hanks comes in at a run.

"Captain, all the monitors have gone dark in Intelligence! Our communications package is gone!"

"Captain!" shouts Patton

"You better have good news, Patton!" says Emerald

"Yes, Ma'am. We're clearing the storm. It's moving on."


Emeralds office. Bengal, Sultan, Tahoe and Akira are here.

"Namib says the damage to the hangar door and catapaults will be fixed within the hour." says Bengal

"Our communications package took a hit with that last tidal wave." says Sultan "We'll need to get to a port to fix it."

"Very well." says Emerald "Have Seamus make for the nearest convenient port. Akira, I think you know why your here."

"Yes ma'am. I was next in line to replace Sidewinder if we ever lost her. Maverick doesn't want the job."

"So I here. Akira, you are now our new CAG now. And tell the crew there will be a memorial for Sidewinder ASAP."

"Do you know what happened to her?" says Bengal

"One of the crew witnessed the incident." says Akira "He was on the catwalk overlooking the hangar when the door gave way. She and several others were swept out, along with a plane. He saw her plainly bobbing in the ocean when the plane did a backflip going out and landed on top of her."

"A total of five crewdogs were swept overboard." says Bengal "None of them have been found."

"First we get our ship repaired, then we'll mourn. Tahoe?"

"Not pretty ma'am. China has been hit hard by the typhoon."

"It's there problem at the moment. All right, dismissed."

As they file out, Emerald sighs and looks at a printour of past crewdogs that have perished.

"This ship has taken a beating, that's for sure."

to be continued......