Action Stations!

U.S.S. Retriever Planning room, Bowser enters to find Santiago, Chucky and Firebird already here.

"Well, what have you planned up?" says Bowser

"A very quick strike to size up what Black Gun has." says Firebird.

"Air Ops?"

"Two A-6 Intruders go in at night and bomb any targets of opportunity, while Maverick and Sidewinder fly in as backup against any fighter craft they encounter. Durandal and his wingmate fly cover for the fleet here." says Santiago

"Naval Ops?"

"We use the mini-sub, along with one or two of Lieutenant McCoy's squad to infiltrate the island and bring back a couple of prisoners." says Chucky "At the same time the Mills and the Bloody Fang go in and bombard the island with their cannons, Captain Hatchet has already agreed to the plan. We keep the remaining ships here on alert status incase they decide to attack us. I suggest that Jocky keep his department ready."

"Excellent. Nice bit of planning Firebird. Carry on."


Hangar deck. Maverick and Sidewinder are near their aircraft watching McCoy drill his troops nearby.

"Born in the woods!" shouts McCoy

"Trained by a bear!" shouts the squad

"Double set of dog teeth!"

"Triple coat of hair!"

"M!" "Mean as Hell!" "A!" "All the Time!" "R!" "Rough and Tough!" "I!" "In the Mud!" "N!" "Never Quit!" "E!" "Every Day!" "S!" "Semper Fi!"

A vixen in mechanics coveralls walks up wiping her paws on a rag.

"Your plane's all ready Maverick."

"Appreciate it Rika, thanks."

Captain Bowser steps onto the deck and stops in front of Tex's Squad.

"Squad halt!"

"Mr. McCoy, we're going to do a little action tonight. I need two of your best for an infiltration and retrieval mission. Any suggestions?"

"Yes sir! Private Brody, front and center!"

"Sir! Private Brody reporting as ordered, sir!"

A Chesapeake Bay Retriever cano-sapien stands before them at attention.

"At ease." says Bowser "Your a Chesapeake Bay, aren't you private?"

"Yes sir. My father was a show dog, 3 year in a row champion in the rings."

"Your expertise?"

"Landing on beaches in the dark. I'm an expert at night retrieval missions."

"Very good. Mr. McCoy, you, Sargeant T-Bone and Private Brody come to my office later. I wish to discuss your mission."

"At your convience sir." says Tex.

"Very good. As you were."



"Launch!" says Taiko over the radio. Two A-6 Intruders launch from the deck and head for the Tanawei Islands. In the cockpit of the first plane sits a Tosa Inu in the pilot seat and a Shiba Inu sits in the bomber navigator (bn) seat. Their helmets show them as Akira and Kai respectively.

"Intruder one to Intruder two, still with us back there?" says Akira

"Roger that Intruder One."

"Stay sharp. Maverick we're depending on you."

"You can count on us."

"There it is. Intruder One to base, we are nearing the target."

"Copy that Intruder One, good hunting." says Winston

As they pass over Sentinel Island, small arms fire and anti-aircraft fire can be seen all over the sky.

"They know we're here." says Akira

"Got a target. Radar nest at 11:00." says Kai

"We've got a hangar we're going after." reports Intruder Two.


"Steady now." says Kai "And....DROP!"

"Bombs away!"

At that moment on the beach, McCoy and Brody come ashore wearing black scuba gear. Tex has camoflage painted on his face. Tex makes a motion and they head for the treeline. Nearby is a machine gun nest. Tracers from two weapons can be made out. Tex motions and Brody moves forward, gas grenade ready. Brody primes it and then throws. Coughing can be heard and then silence from the nest. They go in and drag out a human and a African Wild Dog cano-sapien.

Just off the island the Mills and the Bloody Fang start to open fire with their shell cannons.


"SAM at 2:00!" shouts Kai

"Wow, these guys are really armed!" says Akira

Akira takes evasive action and the SAM explodes at a distance.

"Intruder One, this is Mutt Leader, modified Lear jet coming up on your 7:00!"

"I see it." says Akira "Get him off me!"

"Coming in."

"Aw nuts, he's just launched a missile at us!" says Kai.

"Evasive Akira, now!" shouts Maverick

"More missile's launching!" reports Intruder two. "They're going out to sea!"


On the bridge of the Retriever.

"McCoy's team is back sir." says Winston "They're taking him to the interrogation chamber.

"Very well.

"Anti-ship missiles launching from Sentinel!" says Bengal

"Gunnery officer!"

"We see 'em sir!" comes the reply "Knock 'em down!"


Below decks in the interrogation chamber. Tex, T-Bone, and Brody are here guarding the prisoners. At the far end of the room is a transdogmafier. Bowser walks in

"So, who are they?"

"Only minor criminals who joined 'the cause', sir." says McCoy

Bowser turns to the African Wild Dog.

"You do realize I have the right to turn you back to normal."

"You can't! I don't want to go back!"

"Will you tell us what you know about the defenses?"


"Very well. Mr. McCoy, put him in."

"Yes sir."

At that moment on the bridge.

"Torpedoes incoming!" shouts Bengal

"Dang! Forgot about the sub! Evasive action!" shouts Emerald

"Too late, they're gonna hit!"

"All hands, brace for torpedo attack!" she announces over the P.A.

Four torpedoes strike the side of the Retriever, guysers of water splashing upwards. Down in the interrogation room the torpedoes detonation knocks everybody around. Tex McCoy thrown accros the room right into the transdogmafier!

"Lieutenant!" shouts T-Bone

"Pure canine subject not detected. Selecting random breed for transdogmification."

"NO!" shouts Bowser

"This is gonna hurt!" says Tex

to be continued.....