War of the Wolves

Bengal's office. Taiko and Sultan, are here.

"What's this I hear about the Black Sea area?" says Bengal

"Well sir" says Sultan "The nation of Malcoria has fallen into chaos. Assassins killed King Alexander several nights ago and reports out of there are confused at best. Queen Helen, who has set up a government in exile in England, said somthing about werewolves."

"Werewolves?" says Taiko "Didn't the Road Rovers have an encounter with werewolves?"

"Correct." says Sultan "Malcor City is in chaos. Werewolves are roaming the streets looking for new victims to include in their ranks. Up until last night, the army was holding them off in the port town of Cormal until they were overrun. Their army was nearly wiped out in the GONV Crisis. Unconfirmed reports say the werewolves are now in Odessa, Ukraine and moving towards the Crimea."

"Are we being sent in?" says Taiko

"I don't know." says Bengal "The Master hasn't said anything to me about it."

"One other thing, sir." says Sultan "The KHA Alexander has been spotted in the area."

"The KH Military? This is probably their doing."

"Unknown as yet, sir."


KHA Alexander, General Stalker enters an examination lab with Trigger and Wolfeye. Tesla and several scientists are gathered around a heavily bound werewolf who is struggling and roaring.

"Shut him up!" says Tesla.

A tech injects a tranqualizer through the bonds and the werewolf goes quiet.

"How many troopers did we lose to capture him?" says Stalker

"Half a dozen, sir." says Trigger

"Did you try to Road Rover's cure?"

"What, you mean the spit and water treatment?" says Tesla "That's the first thing we tried. It doesn't work."

"You want them cured, or on our side, sir?" says Wolfeye

"Cured. I want troopers, not bloodbaths." says Stalker "We have to find out where they came from and stop them."

"We'll get right on it." says Tesla


Retriever, Bengal is talking to Master on the video screen.

"Your to proceed immediately to the Black Sea. Do everything you can to stop these werewolves. Several of our agents tried and we have not heard from them since."

"I understand sir. What help can we expect?"

The battle group of the Colin Powell is already in the area. But we need to make your little fleet a true battle group. So, when you reach Gibraltar, you will rondezvous with several more ships. Another destroyer, an Aegis cruiser and an attack sub; all crewed by sapiens."

"Understood sir."


Alexander bridge. Stalker is sitting at his chair when Tesla enters. Trigger, Wolfeye and Black are with him.

"We got it! A cure for this disease of sorts. We just need to implement it."

"Do you have the formula on disk?" says Stalker

Tesla touches a pocket on his lab coat.

"Yes sir."

An alrm goes off at one console.


"We're getting a distress call from the carrier Colin Powell. They are under attack by jets out of Malcoria."

"I didn't know werewolves could fly." says Black

"There's an intelligence behind this that we must stop." says Stalker

"Sir, multiple aircraft headed for us!"


"Ukrainian MiGs and Sukhois!"

"There are reports that the werewolves have captured the airfield near Odessa." says Trigger.

"Battlestations! And launch interceptors!"

In the airspace above the Black Sea, KH Orca's and Valkries take on the werewolf flown MiGs and Sukhois. The werewolves fight like beserkers and knock the KH vehicles out of the sky. They then turn their attention on the Alexander. The ship shudders from multiple hits as everyone tries to stay on their feet.

"I don't think we'll be able to use your cure anytime soon!" says Stalker

"We must if we're to stop them!" says Telsa

The ship lurches even more and yaws at an angle.


"Hover engines one, four and seven knocked out! Engine room on fire, almost all batteries silenced!"

"Time to leave, sir." says Trigger

Stalker hits a button on his chair.

"All senior personell, abandon ship! I repeat, abandon ship! Captain, you'll have to cover our escape as best you can!"

"Count on me, sir!"

"Let's go!"

As Stalker and the others get away in escape vehicles, the ship's captain bravely tries to keep his ship together.

"They are away, sir!"

"Good! Gimme everything you got on the hover engines!"

"Captain, look!"

The captain looks at the main viewport and a MiG is seen making a kamikaze dive for the bridge.

"Hard to port!"

It's no use, the MiG dives right in. The captain raises his arms in a futile gesture to protect himself, but is engulfed by the flames as the Alexander dives into the Black Sea and explodes before sinking.

"An unfortunate loss." says Stalker "Tesla, you said you found a cure?"

"Yes sir."

"Any report on the Colin Powell?"

"Yes sir." says Trigger "Most of her escorts are on fire or sinking. The Powell herself is badly damaged and making for Istanbul at best speed."

"How are we going to deliver the cure?" says Wolfeye

"An opportunity will provide itself." says Stalker.


Gibraltar. Bengal is standing on the lookout deck above the bridge known as Vulture's Row. He has binoculars to his eyes as the other ships come in. Rajah comes on to the deck with a clipboard.

"I have the info on those ship's joining us sir."

"Good, let's have it."

"We're getting another destroyer, the Russell Watkins, straight out of the builders yard. The Aegis cruiser Fallujah and the Los Angeles attack submarine Tulsa."

"Good. Have all captain's and XO's report on board. We'll be having a meeting in our conference room."

"Aye sir."