The Angry Sea

Professor Delta of the KH Military group on board is talking to Captain Bengal in his office.

"The missiles are ready for deployment captain."

"Very good Miss Delta. We'll get them up ASAP."

"One more thing Captain. It's something me and my people have discussed since Chief Kenai took us hostage. We want to defect to the Rover forces."

Bengal blinks in surprise.

"Stalker's a fool if he think he can win against the world. He and Tesla will just have us making more outrageous weaponry to defeat the world. And we know they can't. Al-Qeada tried, and look what happened to them. Stalker's just asking to be defeated in a big way, and we want no part of it."

"I see. Well, I'll give it some thought Miss Delta. I'll, uh, announce it to him after we've cleaned up."

"Thank you captain. We will be invaluable to the Road Rover forces."

Delta leaves as Taiko walks in.

"They done yet?" says Taiko

"Yes. And....Delta and her bunch want to defect."

"Really? All twelve of them?"

"She says they can be invaluble to us. Anyway, what have you got?"

"Half a dozen missile submarines have disappeared from various Russian bases in the Black Sea area."

"We are searching for them, I hope?"

"Patton has his eyes peeled to the sonar. And the Watkins and Fallujah are also searching."

"Slick to Captain Bengal."


"Get to CIC on the double sir, Kestrel is back!"


CIC. Bengal and Taiko barge in and stand in front of the wall comm, Kestrel smiling widely.

"Kestrel! Where are you?" says Bengal

"On board the Colin Powell. Captain Wilson was short on personell and asked us to fill in. He's offered to help us in any way."

"I thought the Powell was laid up in Athens." says Taiko

"She was, but they put together a fast patch-up job and we're back to lend a paw, er, hand."

"My compliments to Captain Wilson." says Bengal "We may need him soon. Is there a submarine in his force?"

"Yes sir. The Bartlesville has gone on ahead. May I ask what happened to the Tulsa?"

"Beached on the Crimean coast and her crew made into werewolves."

"I see. Well, we should be in position in a day or so. I'll contact you then, captain. Kestrel out."

Tahoe walks in and Bengal notices.

"Uh-oh." says Taiko

"Captain, your going to hate me, but we have a problem weather wise."

"Let's have it."

"A storm front is moving in. Our entire target area will be socked in for the next 6 hours."

"Just great! We need to find and stop those subs, Taiko."

"I'll have Pandora go on patrol to help the other ships."


Stingray, under the waters of the Black Sea.

"I've got a contact bearing to the the northeast." says Anika.

"Torpedoes ready?" says Pandora

"Yes sir."

Pandora peers through the glass nose looking for it.

"There!" says Anika "At 1:00. I see....three sub's!"

"Confirmed!" says Pandora "They're lines up in a row which is why I didn't see them before."

"Have they seen us?"

"Not yet. If we keep quiet and fire as they pass us we should get them all."

They wait in silence as the subs pass them by. Pandora motions to Anika about which torpedoes go where and holds her paw up a ready gesture. Pandora balls her fist and pumps her arm down, Anika fires off the torpedoes and they go streaking in. Torpedo number one strikes the engines of #2 sub. #3 has no time to slow down and rams sub #2 as the second torpedo hits in the conning tower.

"Let's get out of here!" says Pandora

She swings the wheel around and goes at top speed out of the area. Sub #1 opens a hatch on her side and fires a missile at the Stingray.

"It's locked onto our wake!" says Anika

"How is that possible?!"

"Three seconds to impact!"

The missile strikes and the Stingray blows up! Debris then begins to settle onto the bottom. One chunk lands upright with Stingray stenciled on the side.


Fallujah CIC.

"Conn, sonar, hot noises in the water!"

"Talk to me sonar." says Rufus "What's happened down there?"

"Three explosions sir. Two were torpedoes striking subs, the other was an underwater missile and it struck another craft."


"Negative. Too small a signal. I believe it was the Stingray sir."

"Captain Rufus, Russell Watkins reports seeing a large submarine in their area. Way to big for any known sub."

"Battlestations!" says Misha

The officer listens into his headphones.

"It's surfacing! And is going at her at ramming speed!"

The sonar dog yelps and takes off his headphones. He puts them back on and his face falls.


"They're gone, sir." he says in a near whisper.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"The Russell Watkins has been broken in two and is sinking."


Sonar mearly shakes his head.

"I want sub hunter choppers in the air on the double!"

"In this weather, sir!"

"Just do it!"


Bengal's office. He's reading report brought to him by Sultan.

"The Stingray and Watkins? What kind of sub can ram a destroyer and keep going?"

To be continued.....