A Grizzly Situation

The wilderness of Alaska is cut in half by the oil pipeline running the length of the state. Its here in the northern most part of the world that a pipeline worker walks down a length of the pipe inspecting it. Bundled up in a heavy jacket, trousers, boots and a hat with an orange vest is Russell Watkins. He spots something out of the ordinary and checks it out. A hose that should not be there is attached to the pipeline and goes into the nearby forest. He takes out a walkie-talkie.

"This is Watkins calling home base, do you read me?"

"Loud and clear Russ, what've you got?"

"Is there supposed to be a suction hose attached in my section? It leads off into the forest."

"Negative. Better check it out and report back ASAP"

"Roger that. Over and out."

Russell puts away his walkie-talkie and follows the hose into the forest. After a while he notices that it ends underneath a huge boulder. He feels the boulder around the hose when he trips a hidden entrance button and a section of the forest floor moves away to show a case of steps. He cautiously goes down the steps. As he gets down toward the landing, he can hear the hum of refinery equipment. Russell takes out his walkie-talkie but its suddenly taken from him by a huge hand that crushes it. Russell looks up into the face of a Cano-Mutant and has enough time to open his mouth before he's bashed on the head from behind and he falls like a sack of potatoes.

"Take him to the General."

Inside his new command post General Parvo and Groomer watch as the Cano-Mutant dumps Russell in front of the Cano-Mutator.

"He's found our base of operations, General." says Groomer "What with that operative we captured yesterday the Road Rovers will be here any day now."

"I know." says Parvo, annoyed "Still, no reason we can't have any fun."

Groomer smirks evily.

"So, what breed this time sir?"

Parvo rubs his jaw and thinks.

"Hmm. Groomer, do we still have that program I made to mutate bears?"

"Bears, sir? Getting tired of dogs?"

"Hey, a villian needs to leave more than one kind of monstrocity in his wake. Ever hear of equal opportunity?"

"Yes sir."

"Well then, dump him in the mutator and initiate the ursine program on him."

"With pleasure sir."

Groomer shoves Russell into the machine and closes the door. She works at the controls then turns to Parvo with her hand on the switch. Parvo smiles.

"Let 'er rip."

Groomer throws the switch and steps back to enjoy the show. Smoke fills the interior and the machine does its work. Low moans are heard from inside before they turn into blood-curdling shrieks. Parvo claps his hands together in satisfaction.

"Ah, if only I had that noise to lull me to sleep at night."

The mutator shuts down and the door opens. A humanoid grizzly bear stumbles out and collapses to the floor with a loud thud.

"Introduce our ursine friend to his roommate, then lets continue our operations."

"Aye sir."


Road Rover Mission Control. The Master sits at his desk in his office, worried. With him is Professor Hubert and Hunter.

"I'm worried, gentlemen." says Master "Adak is overdue in his report. He must have been captured."

"With your permission, Master we'll go check it out." says Hunter

The Master holds up a hand.

"No, I have another team in mind."

He turns to his desk top and brings up a file, then turns the screen to them. On the screen are five ursa-sapiens: a polar bear, a black bear, two male grizzlies and a female grizzly.

"The Ursa Majors?" says Hunter "Your sending them?"

"I thought they were experimental?" says Hubert

"They are." says Master "And they've been itching to prove themselves. This is as good a time as any? Besides, its not only Adak we need to worry about. An oil pipeline worker is also missing."

"I'll contact them, and tell them to check it out." says Hunter

"Good. And wish them luck for me." says Master.

"Yes, Master."


Somewhere in Alaska, the Ursa Majors are breaking camp. They include: Iceberg, a male polar bear wearing a khaki vest and an armband communicator. Togiak, a male grizzly bear wearing an arctic camo vest, his brother Chiniak, wearing arctic camo pants. Katmai, a male black bear wearing a jumpsuit the same color and Kiska, a female grizzly bear wearing a caribou pelt wrap and a necklace of caribou rib bones. Iceberg's armband beeps and he answers it. A miniture holo of Hunter appears above it.

"Iceberg, we got a situation. One of our operatives has disappeared, along with an oil pipeline worker. Parvo is definately involved, and your the closest team available. I'm sending you the coordinates of his base. Good luck."

The holo image of Hunter disappears.

"All right ya bruisers, you heard the mutt. Let's move!"


The world swims in Russell's vision as he wakes up.

"Hey pal, you all right? Those Cano-Mutants rough you up?"

Russell only groans.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Russell looks at the speaker and see's he's talking to an arctic fox wearing a white vest and shorts.

"Your a....cano-sapien?" Russell asks weakly

"Vulpo-Sapien actually, I'm an arctic fox. Name's Adak. What's yours?"

"Russell Watkins."

Adak looks at him funny.

"That's a human name. Why would---"

Realization hits Adak.

"Oh no." says Adak "Parvo's done it again."

"Done what?" says Russell. He rubs his head then looks at his new "hand". His eyes widen then he looks down at himself. "Don't tell me---"

"Your a grizzly bear, my friend." says Adak.

Russell begins to growl in a very bear-like fashion.

"That dirty, underhanded, no-good, megalomaniacal....what's he doing here anyway?"

"Apparently, he's stealing oil from the pipeline. For what reason I have no idea."

"Well, I am going to put a stop to him right here and now."


"By thanking him properly!"

Russell gets up and looks at the door with a scowl. He growls then rams the door with his shoulder. Adak jumps at the noise he makes.

"I (wham!) am going (wham!) to thank him (wham!) properly! (wham!)


At the boulder where Russell went in, the Ursa Majors are gathered together in front of it. Iceberg turns to Togiak and Chiniak.

"If you gentlebears would be so kind."

Togiak scoops up a paw full of snow, and makes it into a snowball. Chiniak has a huge icicle with him and aims its like a javelin. Energy goes from their paws to their weapons of choice and the snowball and icicle glow with energy. They both toss them at the boulder and it explodes, showing the base underneath. They all head down the stairs, ready to battle.

Alarms go through the base as Iceberg puts his paws together and a sword of energy erupts from his closes paws like a lightsaber. A squad of Cano-Mutants rounds a corner, aim their weapons and start firing. Iceberg deflects every shot.

"Katmai, now!" shouts Iceberg

Katmai steps forward and punches the air in front of him. A wave flows out from his punch and knock the mutants over.

"Take 'em!"

All five rush the squad. Togiak and Chiniak knock mutants away like rag dolls. Iceberg slices through the weapon of a mutant and he turns tail and runs yelping in fear. A more braver mutant faces Kiska and aims. Kiska holds her paws out and an aurora materializes in front of her, then she shoves and spark of aurora energy slam into the mutant. The ones still awake run for it. Kiska grabs the mutant she fought by the scruff of the neck.

"Where are you hiding your prisoners?!"

The mutant only point, frightened.

"All right, then." says Iceberg "Me and Kiska will free them, Togiak, you take the others and put a stop to Parvo."

"And why does he get to be in charge?" says Chiniak.

"Because I'm older than you, salmon breath." says Togiak

Chiniak scoffs.

"By a mere ten minutes!"

"That's enough you two!" says Iceberg "Family squabbles will wait until after our mission. Move it!"


In the control room, Parvo and Groomer watch on their monitors as the Ursa Majors make short work of his mutants. Parvo seethes.

"Well, that's ironic." says Groomer

"Set fire to the equipment and the merchandise."

"But sir, that refined oil is worth----"

"It is useless to us now Groomer. Do as your told!"

"Aye sir."


Russell has finally shouldered open the door and looks both ways down the corridor, Adak joins him. Russell sniffs the air.

"You smell that Adak? That's refined crude. We go this way."

"But Parvo is that way."

"I'll deal with him later! Right now we can't let him get away with stealing a natural resourse."

They make their way down some corridors and finally reach a room full of refinery equipment and dozens of barrels of gas and oil. Several cano-mutants are pouring gas over the barrels and one has a lighter that's he about to drop.

"Don't even think about it you monster!" shouts Russell.

He concentrates then a storm of snow appears from in front of him and blasts the room with huge blizzard winds. The mutants are frozen in place and the fire is snuffed out. Russell looks around in astonishment.

"How did I do that?"

"I guess its your superpower." says Adak "Looks like Exile has some competition."

"Adak! Mr. Watkins, where are you?!"

"Iceberg, that you?" shouts Adak "We're in here!"

The two of them go out of the room and come across Iceberg and Kiska. All but Adak stop short on seeing each other.

"Russell here stopped Parvo's mutants from burning the whole lot." says Adak.

"Your Mr. Watkins?" says Iceberg

"That's right. Now where's Parvo? I want to thank him personally for my new body."

"I'm afriad he got away again." says Kiska

Russell sighs in disgust.

"How the devil can you let him get away again?! He was practically gift wrapped for you! Why can't you people put him away once and for all?!"

Iceberg, Kiska and Adak look at each other nervously.

"Calm down, Mr. Watkins." says Iceberg "Our job was to rescue the two of you and stop whatever he was doing. And we succeeded."

"Come on, let's get a move on and report to Hunter." says Adak.


Juneau Alaska. Local offices for Road Rover operations. The Ursa Majors, Adak and Russell are here with Hunter and Colleen. Russell is now wearing overall jeans.

"First off, I want to apologize that you got involved Mr. Watkins." says Hunter "Its a bummer. but it happens all to often."

"Are you a family man, Russell?" says Colleen.

"Divorced, actually. I have a ten year old son that I rarely see these days because of my work on the pipeline. So what happens to me now?"

"Well, there's no reason you can't join us." says Iceberg.

"Sure" says Katmai "We could always use another strong arm."

"And what about me?" says Adak.

"Why don't you join up too?" says Russell.

He leans down and scoops Adak up and plants him his massive shoulder.

"Who knows, you might be useful as well."

Adak smiles.

"Your on."

Russell brings up his other paw and Adak slaps it.

"Now then, what usually happens when a human is transformed is that they usally pick a new name for themselves." says Hunter

Russell thinks for a bit.

"Hmm. OK, from now on, call me Yukon."

"Glad to have you aboard Yukon." says Iceberg.

The two shake paws.

"And we hearby charge you with the defense of Alaska and the far north to you guys." says Hunter "Good luck."

And so a new team is formed, not of all dogs, but with bears. It'll be interesting to see where fate takes this group.