Poached & Scrambled

The Ursa Majors are making their way across the ice pack on the Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Siberia. Yukon is trailing behind them.

"You sure this is safe, Iceberg?" says Yukon

"Stop worrying and come on. Your in the arctic, the sea ice won't melt for several more months."

"I know that, its just that my new body weight makes me nervous out here."

"There's nothing to worry about." says Togiak "Watch this."

He jumps and lands hard on the ice, causing Yukon cringe. But the ice stays firm.

"You see? Now let's go."

They make their way for some time then Iceberg stops them and points.

"There. Ivanoff Island. It's a fur seal sanctuary, but poachers have been seen on this island for some time now. That's why we took these rifles with us. Let's move."

"Ivanoff?" says Adak "Isn't that in international waters?"

"Technically it belongs to Russia, that's why we're here. They don't have the resourses to stop poachers way up here."

Soon they make land fall and bury their weapons for later under a boulder in case they really need them; then head inland.

"Look at this." says Katmai

He points to a pile of bones. Yukon picks up a skull and examines it.

"I know a high powered rifle bullet hole when I see one. Looks like poachers are here afterall."

"You seem to know all about weaponry." says Kiska.

"When I wasn't working on the pipeline I hunted caribou and elk with a similar weapon. Of course that was during hunting season."

Yukon goes back to the bones and studies them more.

"This was done recently. I say about, a week ago, at least."

"Not bad." says Iceberg "Your really growing into your new body."

"Don't be rediculous. I was a hunter; I know what kill leftovers look like."

"And look over here, footprints heading inland." says Chiniak.

"Let's have a look." says Iceberg.

They make their way inland and soon come over a rise and spot a town of prefab buildings.

"I smell blood in the air." says Yukon.

"Fur seals." says Iceberg "They're destroying this island!"

"Let's teach them the price for spoiling nature's beauty!" says Togiak

"Are you nuts?" says Yukon "Just go charging in there blindly? We should scope it out first."

"And I'm the person to do it." says Adak.

"Get going Adak." says Iceberg


Adak melts into the snow and reappears from a snowbank inside the town. He takes cover behind a pile of logs as two people come out of a prefab building. One of them is a woman.

"How's the poaching going?" she says.

"On schedule Miss Gabriel. And Vernon's teams should have the holes dug for the waste we need to get rid of."

"Fine. The sooner I'm off this frozen hell the better. It's bad enough I got to be here to supervise this dump in the first place. When does the waste get here?"

"In a day or so."


Adak has heard enough and goes back to the group in a heartbeat and relays what he's heard.

"Waste?!" says Togiak "What kind of waste? Nuclear?"

"They didn't say. But I did get the leader's last name. It's Gabriel."

"That explains the symbol on those prefabs!" says Yukon "I knew I recognized it. That's the logo for Isaac Industries."

"As in Isaac Gabriel?" says Chiniak "I thought he was dead."

"He is." says Yukon "His sister Ruth inherited the enterprise. I see she's just as corrupt as her brother."

"I've heard enough." says Iceberg "We're going down there and demand that they cease their operation."

Yukon scoffs in amazement.

"You think they're going to just stop because we say so?"


Iceberg and the others start walking toward the prefab town. Their arrival is noticed and Ruth Gabriel is told of their coming. She and the man with her from earlier watch as the Ursa Majors make their way to the town.

"You want I should prepare our little surprise?"

"Yes. And be discreet, Quinn."

Quinn summons a worker and whispers in his ear. The Ursa Majors stop a few feet from Ruth.

"So, what can I do for you?" says Ruth

"Ruth Gabriel?" says Iceberg

"That's right."

"On behalf of the Road Rovers, the Environmental Protection law and the Ursa Majors, I hearby order you to cease and desist all operations on this island and leave immediatly."

"No. Because I own this island, I hearby order you to leave immediatly."

"You own this island?!" says Iceberg "How can you, this is a wildlife sanctuary! And this island is owned by Russia."

"Wildlife sanctuary indeed! A colony of seals! Russia does not own this island anymore, they sent a representative to discuss selling it off. Comrade Grigory Parvanoff's rep was very kind in the price and contract of the island."

"Grigory Parvanoff?!" says Adak "That's an alias of General Parvo!"

Ruth burst out in laughter as her men start to join in.

"Don't be rediculous! I had their credentials checked; they're legit!"

Ruth calms down and fixes them with a glare.

"Now, get off my island, or I will take drastic steps."

"Like what?" says Iceberg


Quinn takes out a remote and a wall of one prefab comes down to reveal robotic drones, armed with laser rifles.

"You see, I made a fortune during the GONV crisis, and I was smart enough to shield my robots from the Road Rover's EMP device. Drones, drive these nuisances away."

"Executing Order."

The drones lower their rifles and advance. Iceberg ignites his paw sword.

"Fall back! Fall back, now!"

The drones begin fireing and the Ursa Majors retreat from the town, Iceberg covering their escape. Over it all, Ruth can be heard laughing. Soon the drones stop following them and the UM's make for the beach.

"What do we do?" says Katmai.

"I need to call Hunter about this." says Iceberg

Iceberg activates the armband communicator and relay what has happened to Hunter.

"Bummer. Ivanoff Island, huh? I'm sending the Sea Rovers, they just finished a mission off the coast of Columbia. They're the only ones who can deal with this crisis."

to be continued......