United We Stand, Divided We Fall Pt 2

Ivanoff Island. The Ursa Majors and the away team from the Retriever have been defeated by Ruth Gabriel and her personal platoon of former-GONV Forces drones. Both groups have been disarmed and are staked down to the ground. Metal poles driven into the ground have all fourteen of them tied up with industrial strength rope around their wrists and ankles, laying spread eagled on the ground. Ruth walks around them, gloating.

"You won't get away with this." says Iceberg

Ruth laughs.

"Is there some hero manual I should know about on the chapter of cliched phrases?"

"What do you plan to do with us?" says Bengal

"Mmm, all this fur. I'm going to display each of you bears in the lobby of all my buildings, as a warning to anyone who would interfere in my business. You smilodon, I intend to have you stuffed and displayed in my office. As for the rest of you, I don't know. Maybe I'll make a stole out of the arctic fox here."

Quinn, Ruth's local foreman, walks up.

"Vernon's ready to begin digging again ma'am."

"Good. I'll be along shortly. Sentries, guard them until I return."

"Executing command."

Ruth gives them one last smug look, laughs and heads away with Quinn, four of the drones remain to guard them.

"The Marine Corps never trained me for this." says Tex

"So how do we get out of here?" says Brody.

"Good question." says Katmai "I wish these ropes gave a little slack, my limbs are killing me already."

"No talking!" replies one of the drones, who kicks Katmai in the ribs. He grunts in pain and growls in a low tone at the drone.

"Your forgetting" whispers T-Bone "Me and Bengal are cats; and we can sheath our claws."

Bengal winks at T-Bone and they go to work fraying the ropes with their claws. After several hours, both Bengal and T-Bone have disposed of their wrist bonds and quietly work on their ankles. The entire time the drones are turned away from them. Bengal motions for T-Bone to take out the guards while he free's the others. T-Bone nods and sneaks quietly behind one of the drones.

"Halt!" orders another drone who has turned. The drone raises its weapon and T-Bone rushes to the one he was going to, grabs it, turns it around and uses it as a shield as the other drone fires, hitting its comrade. T-Bone hurls the now useless drone at the one that fired and they go down in a tangle. Iceberg, now free, rushes toward the third drone who has his sights set on T-Bone. The drone turns in time to see Iceberg rush after him and Iceberg claps his huge paws against the head of the drone, rendering unoperable. Bengal takes out the fourth while Kenai goes after the second drone and with a gutteral growl plunges his paw into its chest plate and rips curcuitry out.

"Excellent." says Tex "Now let's finish what we came here to do."

"You know we're with you, Major!" says Kiska.

The Retriever team grab up their weapons and they all head for the town again.

"Weapons on stun." says Tex "We want these guys alive to answer for what they're doing."

They're second arrival has not gone unoticed and Ruth's men scramble to head back to town while the drones regroup and take up positions.

"How many times must I fight these things?!" says Ruth

Iceberg ignites his paw sword as the drones open fire. Everyone gets into single file behind Iceberg and fire off their weapons or powers. Adak melts into a snow drift and reappears on the roof of a prefab building with snow on it. Adak then jumps off and lands on Quinn in a heap. He then smashes the remote.

"Little pest!" says Quinn "Do you think that's the only way we can control them?"

"Quinn!!" shouts Ruth

Quinn looks as if he's said something he shouldn't have. Ruth walks up and smacks him on his head.

"Keep your mouth shut!" say Ruth "Drone #5, go after the arctic fox and kill him!"

"Executing command."

"Adak!!" shouts Yukon from the battle. "Cover me fella's, I'm going to help him!"

"Yukon wait---" says Bengal, but Yukon has already made a run for it.

"Cover him!" shouts Tex

The Ursa Majors step up their attacks while the away team begin fireing at a faster rate. Meanwhile Adak is running for his life inside the prefab town. He spots a prefab building with its door open, and above the door the words "Drone Control" are there. He runs in and finds a tech standing behind a console. He spots Adak and takes out a pistol. Adak jumps up and knock the pistol away just as Drone #5 appears in the doorway. Adak gets in front of the control panel and does a raspberry at the drone who raises his weapon and fires. Both Adak and the tech jump out of the way and the console goes up in smoke and fire. Yukon arrives in time to see the drone begin to jerk spasmatically. With a swipe of his huge paw Yukon smashes the drone.

Suddenly without their drones, Ruth's men find themselves vulnerable and run away

"You fools!" shouts Ruth "Where are you goin?!"

Quinn also makes a run for it but is tripped up and find Kenai towering over him with a foot on his chest.

"I would stay still if I were you!" he growls

Bengal and Tex surround Ruth who seethes in anger.

"Its over Miss Gabriel." says Bengal "Your not going to destroy this island."

"I own this island you idiots!"

Off shore on the sea ice, two submarines break the surface and soldiers pile out of numerous hatches.

"This is the Russian army!" replies an accented voice over a loudspeaker "Do not move! You are under arrest for disturbing a wildlife refuge."

Several hours later, A Russian colonel is talking with both groups.

"You have done Mother Russia a mighty service. You were right, Grigory Parvanoff is an alias of General Parvo and tricked Miss Gabriel into buying the island. Those credentials have been erased and some of our finest animal scientists will arrive to help clean up the mess. Thank you, Comrades."

"Our pleasure Colonel." says Bengal

"By the way colonel, what about that shipment of waste they were planning to dump here?" says Iceberg

"Canadian forces had already siezed it hours ago."

Everyone sighs in relief. The colonel and Bengal salute and the Colonel walks back to the submarines.

"So, want a lift to the ship?" says Kenai

"Thank you, no." says Iceberg "There must be more wrongs being commited up here at the top of the world. This is where we belong, not on a carrier at sea."

"Suit yourselves." says Bengal "It was nice working with you."

"Likewise." says Iceberg

Yukon and Tex shake hands.

"You keep in touch now Yukon." says Tex

"I shorely will pardner!" says Yukon in a Texas drawl. Tex rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, I've been dying to do that since I met you."

"Uh-huh. Well, for the record, I'm not from Texas. I come from Georgia."

"Come on, we have a ship to get too." says Tailspin.

"So long Tex."

"See ya Russell."

Back aboard the Retriever, Bengal and the away team report to Emerald's office.


"Situation resolved ma'am."

"Good. I look forward to reading your reports. Dismissed."

The group files out and Emerald contacts the bridge.

"Seamus, take us out of here."

"Aye ma'am."

The End