Joshua's Mage Resource
Welcome to my Mage the Ascension Resource Site. Mage is a Role Playing Game made by White Wolf Games. Anyway I made this site mostly for people who role play in the Chathouse East Wing and don't understand the game, so if you're one of those people then I wish to give you a very special welcome because I was once like you and wondering what the hell all this stuff is. This page is currently under construction and I expect it to be up in the next few weeks. Most importantly after getting the character creation section up, which be a 'Chathouse Variant' of the orginial creation rules, I'll start the basic gameplay rules section. This section will include 'CH Variant' rules, mostly to protect against god characters. Should you choose to make an M:tA character, these 'anti-god char' rules will be expected to be followed. These rules are nothing terrible and, we believe, do not hinder role playing. They only make it more fun so one day someone doesn't walk in and get killed by an Archmagus who was an apprentice the day before. Should these rules not be followed, you'll be clicked on ignore hell.

Update: The completion date for Character Creation has been moved to the end of March. I hope this doesn't inconvience anyone. I must complete my personal webpage first, I've had to scrap it and rebuild after me and my girlfriend split up. If anyone would like to send a complaint about this, my e-mail is listed at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

News - 02/01/99 -
Choosing your Abilities is now online.
News - 01/31/99 - Tradition explainations are now online.
News - 01/30/99 - Currently the Nature, Essence, and Demeanor section is up, along with Choosing your Attributes, in Character Creation. I hope to have Character Creation fully working by the end of the week.

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