Welcome to the Swimmer's Inn Web Ring Homepage! At last- it's up and finished. Well... not exactly that finished but more or less improved. Eventhough you could consider this homepage, perpetually under construction, think of it this way: this is our way of continuing to improve the web ring and every thing else concerning it.
Considering joining the ring? Go ahead! What have you got to lose? Although there aren't much benefits to joining the ring except higher site traffic, you have to consider the prestige of being a members of this organization (yeah right!), and it'd also be nice for coaches and swimmers to be able to connect to each others homepages in just one sitting, wouldn't it?
My Thanks to the Following:
GOD, Him the creator
of all, whom without him this web ring would have just been a figment of the imagination.
My sister marnie, for putting up with
all my "kakulitan".
Swordfish swim team for inspiring me to
make this page.
Filipino Swimmers and coaches,for their
unending quest for exellence through reseach and of course for using my homepages.
PASA (Philippine Amateur Swimming Association)
for their patience and for trying to upgrade the standards of Philippine swimming.
Everyone who has supported our Web Ring in one way or
Join the Ring!
Register your page here and join the queue!
Edit Site Info
For members only, if you're part of the
ring. All you have to do is go here to edit your site info.
both members and non-members, these
announcements concern you. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek in here once in a while,
would it?
Ring Statistics
Whose page
is benefitting from the ring?
![]() ![]() Majonie Pulumbarit. Want to join the The Swimmer's Inn Web Ring? |
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