And Now For Something Completely Different...

October and November of 2000, I had a weekly column entitled Nickey's Nitro Rant.

I stopped doing the column when I went out of state for Thankgiving/Christmas break.

Now, there they are. The six rants. All for your enjoyment.


The views and comments in these columns reflect my opinion and no one else's (that I am aware of at least). There is cursing and slashy referenses in these columns.

I cannont be held liable if you are offended by what is written in these columns.

You have been warned.

And now onto Nickey's Nitro Rants!

October 16, 2000:
October 23, 2000:
October 30, 2000:
November 6, 2000:
November 13, 2000:
November 20, 2000: