IANC's Hindi Granthalaya Bookstore

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The IANC volunteers recommend several books to you as a starting point in your search, including the Featured Books below. IANC is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of Indian culture and traditions.

Featured Books

Hindi : A Complete Course for Beginners (Teach Yourself Books) By Rupert Snell, Simon Weightman, Audio Cassette inc.
"best book I've read for learning Hindi. It's clear, thorough, and amazingly systematic.".

Lonely Planet Hindi & Urdu Phrasebook Phrasebook by Richard Somers Delacy

Say It in Hindi by Veena T. Oldenburg

The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary by R. S. McGregor

English Hindi Dictionary by Kamil Bulke

Colloquial Hindi : The Complete Course for Beginners by
Tej K. Bhatia "An excellent book for beginners"

Penguin Book of Hindu Names by
Maneka Gandhi

Rosetta Stone: Hindi Explorer by
Fairfield Language Technologies CDROM

Hindi Guru by
Magic Software CDROM

Essentials of Hindi Grammar : A Practical Guide to the Mastery of Hindi by Murli Dhar Srivastava

A Crash Course to Learn the Devanagari Script For Hindi and Sanskrit by Bharat S. Shah

Intermediate Hindi Reader by Usha R. Jain, Karine Schomer

The Kabir Book : Forty-Four of the Ecstatic Poems of Kabir by Robert W. Bly
"Few translators work with such power and such humility"

For Love of the Dark One : Songs of Mirabai by Mirabai, Andrew Schelling

A Dictionary of Hindu Name by Ramesh C. Dogra, Urmila Dogra

Praises to a Formless God : Nirguni Texts from North India by David N. Lorenzen

Songs of Kabir by Rabindranath Tagore (Translator)

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Recommended Music/Audio

Divine Singing : How to Chant in the Devotiona Tradition of India by Kabir, Chaitanya Kabir
Audio Cassette set

Gypsies of Rajasthan by Musafir
Audio CD

Legacy: 16th-18th Century Music From India by Asha Bhonsle, Ali Akbar Khan
Audio CD "Asha Bhosle makes this CD Completely Magical!!!"

Anoushka by Anoushka Shankar
Audio CD

Mira Bhajan by Tripti Mukherjee
Audio CD

Bandit Queen (1995) Hindi DVD with English subtitles

Gandhi (1982) Richard Attenborough Video

The Apu Trilogy Satyajit Ray (VHS)
"How can one convey within a few words such poetry, such depth of feeling, such nobility of vision? ".

More Books
Mahadevi Varma and the Chhayavad Age of Modern Hindi Poetry by Karine Schomer

The Return of Sarasvati/Translations of the Poetry of Prasad, Nirala, Pant and Mahadevi by David Rubin

Hindi Padavali of Namdev by NÃ¥amadeva

The Nationalization of Hindu Traditions : Bharatendu Harishchandra and Nineteeth-Century Banaras by Vasudha Dalmia

Premchand- A Life in Letters by Jainendra Kumar

History of Hindi Literature by K.B. Jindal

Anthology of Urdu Verse in English (Original Poems in Devanagari) by David Matthews

Teach Yourself Urdu by David Matthews, Mohamed Kasim Dalvi
Book & Cassette

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