Dear IANC board members,
We look forward to seeing you all at the Holi function. Several of
you have been actively involved in the preparations. It is going 
to be a very enjoyable event for the community and a very 
satsfying one for us.
I suggest that we arrive early at 11:20 AM so that we can set
things up.  
We will need some of us to volunteer to help people as they
come in. We will also take a lead in doing anything that comes up.
See you all there.

Dear Amit,
For the Holi function, we would like to have the students join us. 
The function has a pot luck format. I want to get your suggestions
about what the students would like to bring.
Perhaps they can each bring a bottle of 2-liter soft drint. They
are also wecome to bring food instead if they like to cook.
How many students would you estimate will join us?


Date : 7th March'99 (Sunday)
Time : 12 to 4 pm
Venue : University Village Center ( W. Plum St.)
Dear IANC Members & Friends,

(1) Let's celebrate Holi:

We will celebrate Holi this Sunday 12 Noon to 4PM at the University
Village Center.  The volunteers are making preparations for this
joyous event.  We are so far away from India, still we can enjoy
Holi. Dr. Lena Sunthankar is coordinating the festive performances. 
They include a dance drama, dances and songs to celebrate the spirit 
of Holi.
The food will be served using the 
community  feast format. Kushangi Parikh (Phone 204-4642) is 
coordinating this. Many of us have already contacted her. Please 
contact her soon about what to bring, if you have not yet done so 

You should plan on arriving 10 minutes before 12 Noon, so that you
will have a chance to meet  people before the festivities begin.
We invite non-members to join us in this event. In addition to bringing 
food, they will pay $1/person to help with  some of the some of the 


Niraj Patel, Simi Patel, Pranaya Sathe, Akansha(Chanchala's daughter), Isha
Parikh, Richa Bhatia, Ayush Gupta, Jugnu, Ashish Jha

Film Dance,

Simi Patel & Vinita Patel

I don't know the participants for the Krishna Skit
 The Holi festival was very succeessful. We had about 100
participants. There was seating for approximately  75 persons,
but some were standing around. There was  plenty of food, thanks
to all the volunteers, participants and the coordinator, Kushangi. The
performances, coordinated by Lena,  captured the spirit of Holi.

This experience will allow us to plan an even more ambitious Holi
next year.
Include "gulal" also.  --