Hi there every one. This is my first attempt at doing a page so please help me. If something isn't working or doesn't look good, PLEASE TELL ME! Thanks! Anyways, my name is Monica (aka Manica) and I am 27 years old. I am from the great state of Oregon! I have been online now for about a year and all I can say is "Ya best not mess with my 'puter." *S*
I am the mother of two beautiful children. I have a 6 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. They are everything to me. They are spoiled, I will be the first to admit that. But you are only a kid once and they are mine to spoil. They seem to be getting the spoiled attitude now though so they are usually in their room thinking about what they have done wrong. It never works though. Anyone who is a parent knows that when they get sent to their room, they will come up with every excuse as to why they should come out. "I have to go potty", "(S)He hit me!", "I'm hungry", "I'm thirsty" and the best of em all, "But I didn't do it....." Sound familar to you? *S*
My son is in first grade. He is very intelligent for his age but has a speech impediment. While in kindergarten he worked with a speech therapist twice a week for a total of about 9 hours. They took him from his class and kept him the rest of the day. He has come a long ways but still needs a lot of work. He gets very frustrated when someone doesn't understand him and that is hard on a 6 year old let alone the parent trying to tell him to explain or show me or even sound it out and try to figure it out. He is a joy to have around and I have to compete for my computer time with him.
Now Miriah is a hand full. She is too smart for her age. She does and knows everything. She has this memory that you can't explain. You say something or she hears something on the radio or TV and it is implanted in that brain of hers. She can sing so many different songs from the radio that it is incredible. And her favorite songs are "Don't Take Her She's All I've Got, Down Came A Black Bird, Don't laugh at me, and Honey I'm home." She is in pre-school and loves it. She can count, spell, write, add, and is starting to read. But she doesn't care what kind of school, pre or not, she WANTS TO GO NOW!
As for me, I work full time for an attorney. Which doesn't give me time to play on here, messin'around in ICQ. I want to thank some people for everything they have done for me. These people have been there when I needed a shoulder (monitor) to cry on, when I needed a good laugh, just needed them, and most of all to put a smile on my face. *S* Where to start! I guess first off would be Peaches (aka Grasshopper) her hubby LooseWire (aka Elephant Truck), icetea, Janneh, SRV, farmer (he is the funniest with his battle gear on.....don't forget the hard hats LOL)and Tam. I want to thank you all for being my friend and being here for me. I really truly do appreciate it.
Now that I have probably bored you to death......I will be adding things regularly so if ya want a link to your page on mine than drop me a line! ICQ# 7111995 or email me.


Grasshoppers Page (aka Peaches)
Elephant's Page
Icetea's page
Tam's page
My other page
SRV's Page
Tammy's Page
Pics of my family and friends! =)
Velvet Rose (aka Sherbys Girl)


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