The Faith- movement; the Word- Faith stream; 
the Health- and- wealth gospel; Name- it- and- claim- it theology.

These are just some of the names by which this 
widespread movement is called, although the members
often despise these names and simply refer to it in
terms of "a church where the true gospel is preached",
"a place where the Holy Spirit is allowed to work,
or "what God is doing today". 

The local groupd may differ on a superficial level.
But doctrine and method vary little or none.
It is the same pseudobiblical doctrine and 
highly unethical methods that is taught and exercised
by the leaders of most Faith- movement groups.

The effects on the member is also the same, in that they
e. g. find it very hard to leave the group and, if they
manage to do so, faces a multitude of problems, affecting
their whole being.

These groups have, does and, most likely, will continue
to shatter tens of thousands of lives.

My reason for putting this information together, 
is foremost to revenge at the leaders of the 
movement who betrayed and hurt me; Bror Spetz,
Klas Lindgren, Ulf Ekman, Robert Ekh, Kenneth E. Hagin,
and others.

But I also hope that the information on these pages,
will alleviate people from
suffering inflicted by this movement.

Still... I will strive to be objective in the utmost.
And still... I will give the reader a opportunity to
hear what the Faith Movement has to say. Mainly through
the section with links to their sites.