
"Today Kenyon's ideas are in the ascendancy. Via the 
electronic church or in the printed page I readily recognize 
not only Kenyon's concepts, but at times I recognize pure 
plagiarism, for I can almost tell you book, chapter, and page
where the material is coming from. Kenyon has become the
"father" of the so- called "faith" movement."
John Kennington, "E. W. Kenyon and the metaphysics of Christian Science", 
unpubl. written statement, Portland, Ore., July 8, 1986.

"In fact, one prominent Pentecostal minister hired a 
writer or writers to rewrite Kenyon's books and put his name on those books."
John Kennington, "E. W. Kenyon and the metaphysics of Christian Science", 
unpubl. written statement, Portland, Ore., July 8, 1986.