When your life's threatened,who do you trust? Everyone looks suspicious...

At first it seems to aerobic instructor

Jessica Albright that she may have found

love online when she meets Gary Burke.

But just when things are warming up, her

new acquaintance turns weird. Jessie swears

off the chat line and is introduced to hand-

some Kent Morgan by her girlfriend, com-

puter programmer Elizabeth Barrow. Jessie

immediately falls for Kent who appears to

like her too.

Then threatening messages begin appearing

on her E-mail, and Jessie has reason to suspect

Kent. Although Liz had put the doubts in her

mind, after Jessie's mom dies Liz does an


Confused and fed up, Jessie seeks police

help from good-looking Ricardo Alvarez.

Too late she discovers that Ricardo and Gary

Burke are the same person. Liz and Kent

team up to try and save Jessie from the dan-

ger she's walked into. But can they out-

smart the calculating and sick mind of

Ricardo Alvarez?


Destiny draws Nicole from the sultry Louisiana heat into a freezing Canadian winter where true love waits...

Cajun artist Nicole Dubois's life is turned

upside down by a simple fax. Life has been

straight and simple for her and she's plan-

ning for a June wedding with New Orleans

psychiatrist Ansel Bernard. Then her grand-

father leaves her valuable shore frontage in

Nova Scotia.

A stipulation in the will's codicil forces her

to travel alone into Canada's frozen winter

clime. But her grandfather's lawyer Craig

McKeen is determined to warm things up for

her. She's torn between her promises to Ansel

and her new found attraction to the attorney.

When a blizzard traps Nicole and Craig in a

hunter's cabin, Nicole realizes she's in love

with him. But Craig's former love, Amanda

Wilson, has other plans for him and plots to

send Southern girl Nicole back where she

came from. Now Nicole must decide who's

lying about the codicil, Craig or Amanda...

and what to do about fiancé, Ansel.


A good deed might just lead Angel into a lifetime of rewards...

It's been one year since Angel Walker divorced her

intolerable husband, James, and one year since

Jake Jordan lost his dear wife, Rosaline to a car

accident. Now twelve years since Angel and Jake

last saw each other, Angel is returning to Nova

Scotia to help out her aunt who's just taken a fall.

But running the Bed and Breakfast turns out to

be an easier challenge than dealing with widower

Jake and his adorable daughter Rachael. Living

up to the saintly Rosaline takes courage. But it

takes more courage still to accept that Jake is

nothing like James.

Once bitten twice shy, Jake discovers Angel

doesn't trust easily. He'll have to be careful with

this one, if he doesn't want her to slip away. But

when Angel finally believes in Jake, she discovers

she could have been wrong, and Jake might be

using her, making him an even lower person than

her ex.

An almost tragedy is avoided and long overdue

explanations turn Angel's challenge into a blessing.


Marlee's Mansion: HOME
FANTASY..."a short story":



An elusive dream of love and marriage is forever at her fingertips...

To say that Marlee Sweet is a dreamer is

like saying the world spins round. Everyone

knows it but no one can stop her. After meet-

ing handsome Joe Bellmont in a Canadian port,

Marlee begins dreaming that he'll be hers. A

year later she visits him in New Orleans. She's

spent most of the previous year living in New

York state working, saving , with only one

thing on her mind --JOE.

At first their reunion is wildly romantic, then

Marlee gets sidetracked. She takes a job travel-

ing with a magazine crew and winds up in the

arms of owner, Bobby Barnes. It takes the death

of a girlfriend to shock her back to reality and

back to Joe. Afraid she might leave him again, Joe

immediately proposes and Marlee ecstatically

accepts. Then Bobby swings into town and

lures an engaged Marlee back into his bed.

Ashamed and disgusted with herself, Marlee

tells Joe she no longer knows her own heart's

desires. Choosing between the two men is harder

than she ever dreamed possible, as her final

decision could ruin the hearts and lives of all



Shocked by the truth of her heritage, Blaine sets out to find the truth in a murder...

When cub reporter Blaine Orson goes on her

first big interview, she finds a body instead.

RCMP constable Roy Archer falls for the inno-

cent looking beauty but is suspicious too,

since the dead man turns out to be her bio-

logical father, and she inherits his fortune.

Blaine can't believe it when her own mother

confesses. But an autopsy reveals she couldn't

be the murderer. Then canceled checks found

in the dead man's safe indicate long-term black-

mail by her stepfather. Fortunately for Blaine

senior reporter Andrew Clark is determined

to get an awesome story out of the whole mess.

Although she's reeling from the discovery of

her unknown father, love is in the cold, spring

air for Blaine. But so is murder, deceit, and

curiosity. Roy warns Blaine to let the police

handle things, but Blaine's confrontation with

her step-dad leads her into deep danger. Only

Andrew and Const. Archer can help her now.


Who do you believe? Your twin or your boyfriend...and what about promises that never should have been made?

Jewel Thurston is crushed when her twin sister Ruby tells her

she's carrying Jewel's boyfriend's baby. Eric Finley tells Jewel that

Ruby impersonated her, but Jewel, hurt and reeling, leaves town.

A year later, Ruby dies in a horrible car accident making Jewel

promise to be a mother to Aster and never let Eric near the child.

Jewel still has feelings for Eric and is torn. Although Eric has

never gotten over his love for Jewel, his love for his daughter

makes him file for custody and win.

Rumors that the crash wasn't an accident circulate then vanish.

But when Twitch Mahoney sees Jewel and mistakes her for

Ruby, he fears she'll identify him from the crash site and abducts

her. Jewel's quick wit saves her from Twitch, and a new discovery

leads her to the truth about Eric, Ruby, and Aster.


My rock, my refuge in the storm. May you always be there when the dark sea swells around me and life seems too much to bear. When I am drowning, overcome by life's evil side. When I am turbulent, spinning on a whirligig ride. When I reach out to unbosom my strife... Then you are there - to calm me, to reassure my trembling self, to silence my wail. Your staunch support I can count on and once more tread the still waters.
Where are the you and I? The we? Or was it always me and you casting separate shadows that stretched out differently? I took the road that you were on. Where did I lose you? Or, maybe I was never there.