Chapter 20 - Just Punishment for evil Followers

Belgrius slumpped, tired and relieved that another battle was over. "That's some helmet you have there !" He looked around and started searching the remains of any bodies that might have existed. He also searched the living captives. What shall we do with these ?" He cringed at what he expected to hear. After all of this, he looked around the room and then started searching the room, looking at walls, furniture, location of doors, the ceiling, and anything else of interest. He spoke to anyone who was listening, "I will not be able to continue the spell use much longer with out resting to pray and study." Being stopped by Jardel's magical onslaught, Humus stood there amazed at the carnage and mass destruction. When all was over, he noticed the pathetic few priests left and the others teleporting away. Going over to Jardel, Humus said, "That was a really powerful helm you have there. You just saved us all a lot of time and effort." Smiling he added, "I'll have to remember to try to find a helm like that myself one of these days." Looking directly at the two priests, Humus asked, "Well, what should we do with them ? We could always tie them up - like we did with those that we got the chest from, or we could execute them for their crimes to the realm." Looking at the insane priest, "For that one, death might actually be a blessing. In any case, majority rules as always. I'll go along with what everyone else wants - or if we are undecided, I'll cast my vote then. That Inquisitor seemed to be fairly important. I suspect that things are not as dire as before - now that he is gone, but we will still face some problems in these caves most likely. We still have to find the scepter and the staff. Considering everything, I would say that we should go in the direction this small army came from. Our goal would be heavily guarded - not just laying around if they are as powerful as we have heard. I think that they will be at the heart of this lair." Da Ghiri considered a moment, "I believe wee shoould put the mad priest oout of his misery. The ooother one we can secure and deliver too the Prince for his justice when we return." The little priest nodded in agreement, "I too think our goal is likely to lie along the way oour foes have just traveled".

Watching the magical carnage unfold, Jardel sheathed Caliburn after the turbulence had calmed down. He walked over to Humus and conveyed his thoughts. "Yes Humus, this truely is a powerful helmet which adorns my brow, yet with true power comes danger, expectations and commitment. My beliefs and duties require me to employ all my powers and strengths to further these quests, private or to the crown. NEVER forget, no matter what power one wields or is able to conjure, the individual can always be terminated with any single spell, trap or strike. So far I am fortunate to have survived this journey and our encounters without much damage - physical or mental - yet. So let us grant a prayer to our dieties and loved ones and get on with the gruesome task of ridding the realms of Asmodeus and his followers." Cringing his nose from the lingering stench of burnt corpses the Paladin walked over to the priests still alive passing over carcasses and whipping up clouds of dry ashes from his boots. Adressing the priests in an assertive deep voice he had already made his decision. "So, followers to Asmodeus, it seems your master - the Great Inquisitor - has left your souls to be purged from these surroundings in this inner sanctum of complete evil." Jardel opened his leather waist apothecary and withdrew a small twig adorned with surprisingly still fresh green birch leaves. Holding the blessed twig in his gauntlet hand he waived it ceremoniously vertically and horizontally over the insane priest kneeling on the floor. Commencing, Jardel’s voice rose to a monotone loudness, speaking his words fluidly and only dropping in tone on the last word of every sentence. "Priest of Asmodeus be blessed and freed from guilt of all eeeevil... Feel pureness of heart and soul granted to all worshippers of Heiiiimdall... Take part in this change and repent as heretic in eyes of thee preeeesent... Tis time for judgement and journey to yonder with merrrrcy." He released the twig in his hand, as it floated to the groud in an eerie slowness. In one fluid motion he drew Caliburn from it’s sheath and in one sweeping arc decapitated the insane priest before the birch leaf twig had even touched the floor. The head tumbled across the stained floor and came to a halt several paces away, blood flowing freely from the dead body now slumped over, the priest not even having released a scream or shout. Sheathing Caliburn again, Jardel picked up the twig and put it back. He turned to the remaining priest. "I have judged the insane priest and now it is time to see to your needs. If you can speak of valuable information of these dark halls and chambers here, then you shall be spared. Perhaps you can be healed and your blackened soul can be cleansed of Asmodeus. You are to make that choice though so speak or join your brothers in death." Resting his hand on the pommel of Caliburn, Jardel conferred quietly with Da Ghiri. "Wise one, please employ your wisdom with the interrogation of this one. We must gather information over these Caves, lest we run into more prepared traps and well defended rooms, with waiting warriors and priests on the advantage, for all know of our intrusion now." Jardel draws Caliburn again and walks over to stand beside the eastern door, ready to surprise any foe foolish enough to enter the room from hither. He directs his emotions to sense evil within the immediate area behind the guarded door.

Belgrius saw the plan, he thought, and after he talked with Culdat he decided to play along. He turned his back a moment and held his breath trying to turn his face red and get out of breath. Then he allowed some saliva to build up in his mouth and let it dribble out. With a roar, as if in pain he shouted, while looking upward, "Yesss my Lord, it shall be done !" He then raised his weapon and walked toward the captive with an insane look on his face and drool running down his chin. With his eyes unnaturally wide and his nostrals flared and red in the face, he passed a hand through his hair and laughed insanely. "You shall die. Dianachect has decreed it. You are evil and must die. You can die swiftly if you cooperate or do not cooperate and I shall break every bone of your body, behead you and feed your face to the next rat I see. TALK, NOW !" Hoping his companions saw the ruse in this, he stood huffing and puffing, shifting back and fourth on his feet, leaning ever closer toward the captive. "Dianachect will never let your soul rest unless I kill you swiftly ... heh heh heh. Put his hand out here and I shall start there." Da Ghiri bowed slightly to Jardel and took out his rice bowl, putting some water and few grains of rice in it, then plucking a hair from the priest's head and floating it in the mixture. He sat cross-legged, chanting over the bowl a moment then telling Jardel solemnly, without looking up from the bowl, "Ask your questions. I will judge his words". Culdat closed his eyes, hoping that when he opened them once again, he would be rid of this nightmare. The killing and stench of death that permeated the room was overpowering. Attempting to keep to himself, the little halfling moved to the entranceway through which the group entered this section of the complex, trying wholeheartedly to keep his senses from causing him to breakdown. "The sooner we’re away from here, the better." He mutterd to no one in particular. I do not like being held fast by magical powers, unless it's the magical powers of a beautiful maiden. Quickly now, let us decide where to go from here." Seeing the halfling dazed, Belgrius made his way over to him, "Are you alright, my friend ? Do you need the benefit of healing spells ?" Obviously Belgrius was worried, feeling closer to the halfling than any other in the group since it was the Culdat who opend the cell door and freed him earlier. "How may I help you ?" Culdat looked towards the frantic priest and rolled his eyes. A smile spread across his face as he pulled a gold coin out of his pocket. Flipping it into the air the little halfling called "Tails ! I would start with the left arm, Belgrius. That's the lucky arm, I'm pretty certain of that." "Left it is. Closest to the heart it is. More pain nearer the heart." He leered at the captive as he looked at the left arm and moved closer so a little saliva could dribble onto the hand of the victim. "Would you have me start banging on the fingers or the whole hand ? Makes no difference to me. Heh heh heh heh !"

As the insane priest's head fell to the ground, Humus felt a weight being lifted from him. At least he didn't have to suffer any longer than necessary. What a terrible thing - to be struck insane. Not really catching that this was a ruse, Humus watched in horror as events unfolded as the others begin their interrogation, Humus turned away - more than half disgusted at how dishonerably the others' actions were. "Continue as you see fit. I'll have no part in this interrogation/torture session." Knowing that the information gained was vital to the mission, he decided to do something useful by going back to the door that the small army came out of. "I'll stand guard at this door while you are interrogating the prisoner. Someone else probably needs to guard the other entrance to this room."

With Jardel and Humus watching the eastern door intently, the rest of the group felt a little more at ease. Belgrius and Culdat advanced upon the blind priest in an attempt to intimidate him while Da Ghiri pretended to cast a truth spell. "I will never tell you of the dangers these caves hold, Asmodeus has seen to my fate after this life, as to your torture, do not bother, I will swallow my tongue before I allow that." Taking a ragged breath, he continued, "Your words of holiness do not daunt me goodly warrior, I am promised things in the hereafter that keep my loyalty to Asmodeus, so do what you will ..." Belgrius' search of the bodies and the room come up with the maces and chainmail of the priests. None appeared to be anything unusual, all bearing the pentagram around their necks. No money, no personal belongings of any kind. The room however, provided the group with a new find, that of a loose stalagtite formation on the floor in the northeast corner of the room. No sound, nor the feeling of any immediate evil came from the exit to the east, actually, no sound could be heard at all besides the breathing of the heroes.

Belgrius began to realize his attempt to frighten the captive was not working so he tried another ploy. Taking his holy symbol in hand he placed it against the forehead of the captive and prayeed, "Dear Dianachect, I beseech thee, prevent this one from ever meeting his god after death. Let him wander between this life and his god's world for eternity, never to speak with his god again. Banish his soul into nothingness, never to find peace or reward. We fight the evil of the world and we ask your aid in this. Amen." Standing by the side of the room, near the eastern door, Jardel shook his head at such foolish devotion to a god and religion filled with lies and deceit. As the interrogation was going newhere, Jardel took matters into his own hands again and walked over to the group. Adressing the blind priest in an assertive deep voice he felt pulsing ‘Caliburn’ in his palm. "Follower to Asmodeus, it seems your faith has blinded you - for you have not seen the choice I have presented you with." Jardel sheathed ‘Caliburn’, opened his leather waist apothecary and withdrew the small twig that he had used on the dead insane priest. Holding the blessed twig in his gauntlet hand he waived it ceremoniously vertically and horizontally over the blind priest kneeling on the floor. Commencing, Jardel’s voice rose to a known monotone loudness, speaking his words fluidly and only dropping in tone on the last word of every sentence. "Priest of Asmodeus be blessed and freed from guilt of all eeeevil... Feel pureness of heart and soul granted to all worshippers of Heiiiimdall... Thou clouded judgement be forgiven, for Asmodeus seeds roots of evil in alllll ... Tis time for judgement and journey to yonder with merrrrcy." He released the twig in his hand, as it floated to the groud in an eerie slowness. In one fluid motion he drew ‘Caliburn’ from it’s sheath again and beheaded the blind priest in an act of liberty. Turning to the others a warm sense of harmony emanated from his strong eyes again. "I am sorry my friends. His time to die had come, as he was strong in his will to further pursue the evil path. Let us hurry forward, as this stillness leaves me uneasy. It seems the stalagtite formation on the floor yonder in the corner is a concealed path down to the next level. Tis would render a fair idea to continue on this direct path than to waste precious time here. Common sense tells me that whatever rules this underground complex is situated at the deepest and innermost core - be not surprised to find dark elves soon - actually beware and keep your eyes and ears open for they are the utmost specialists in stealth and ambush. Culdat, could you please check for traps and the actual secret behind this stone contraption. We should continue on in our known formation - as I will take on the rear again." Stuffing the twig away, the Paladin withdrew his blade again and gripped his shiny shield tightly. Eventually the blade sputtered crackling flames once more and brought a healthy redness to his soiled cheeks. "I am ready whenever you are ..."

Belgrius prayed for the soul of the blind priest to never attain the bliss of reaching his god as Jardel preformed his ceremony as well. This incited the evil priest to begin laughing wildly with a cracked voice. He began to realize this was the same ceremony that ended the other priests life as his laughter turned to chortle and choked as he sobbed uncontrollably, the fear of death still lingering in his mind as the sword fell with a swiftness that only the executed could wish for. The head rolled from the body with a clean cut, slight spray from arteries that once carried his life's blood, covering those nearest him. There was a glow that surrounded the body, a light blue glow that hovered over a cloud of blackness so deep that everyone began doubting there was any light on the other side. The blue light enfolded the inky black cloud as if keeping the cloud from ascending, then nothing at all. The two colors winked out in a flash of blue.

Seeing Jardel execute the prisoner, Humus was filled with the sense of justice being done. "Thank you Jardel. There was no real sense in him being tortured - even if we needed the information. Justice now being served, let us be on our way after Culdat has finished inspecting the stalagmite." Humus commanded his sword to glow at its brightest. As Humus waited for Culdat to report on what he found, he talked with Jardel. "I wonder if you were right about there being something more powerful down here than Balazaar. To tell you the truth, that is not a comforting feeling. That the demon was a puppet to a greater power, and that even the crown didn't know about it is kind of unsettling. In any case, we had best hurry as cautiously as we can. It feels like we have wasted a lot of time, and the prince wanted us to hurry."

Chapter 21

Chapter 19

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