Ulf Stormboldson

Ulf Stormboldson is a Human Ranger who proclaims himself a Son Of Odin. He hails from the northern reaches of Talem where the white capped mountains reach up to touch the lofty heights of Asgard. It is a place where the life is harsh, and the winters are cold enough to freeze the beard off a Mountain Dwarf. Ulf is large for a Human, standing at six feet seven inches to be precise. His sky blue eyes contrast starkly against his fair but weathered skin, and his youthful gaze is strong and seemingly filled with a soul that has seen many things in too short a time. His hair is earth brown swept back and falls wildly to his shoulders. From his neck downwards most of his body is covered in skin illustrations, a common practice amongst 'Ragnar Bearsark's folk' Ulf's family. The tattoo's are of great intricacy including animal designs, weapons - notably a mythical Hammer 'Mjolnir', an eight legged Horse - Sleipnir, two Wolves, two Ravens, a stormcloud with lightning, numerous runic verses and spiral like patterns all 'painted' in a dark ink. He wears dark brown animal furs and studded leather armor. His primary weapons are a longsword and a Morning star of the spiked ball and chain variety. Like all of his people he loves combat and never turns down a challenge. He enjoys spending most of his time in the wilds with nature and the elements. He takes his role as a protector of the lands and the flora and fauna very seriously, taking action against those who would seek to destroy, cause harm to or taint these things which he holds sacred.

His past is seldom spoken of other than the notable deeds he has done including the slaying of a Frost Giant named Jaimurul and that he was, up until recently on a mission to gather information about and then destroy a group of marauding Ogres, whom a mysterious old Knight and the Company of Seven had came across, and without knowing, finished Ulf’s task for him by slaying the evil creatures.

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Last modified 7/22/99