You must drink the required number of drinks for each instance that occurs in the episode. You must watch at least two episodes back to back for the system to be most effective (a.k.a. to get really wasted).


2 drinks - every time Kramer enters Jerry's apartment without knocking.

1 drink - every time Newman makes an appearance in his postal uniform.

2 drinks - every time Newman makes an appearance in his postal uniform while eating something.

3 drinks - every time Jerry says, "How do you like that?"

2 drinks - every time someone mentions NBC.

2 drinks - every time someone mentions the Yankees

1 drink - every time someone cracks a joke about George being fat, bald, or short.

2 drinks - every time someone asks someone else if they'd like to split a cab.

1 drink - every time someone is eating a sandwich in The Restraunt.

2 drinks - every time George mentions that he'd like to break up with his girlfriend.

2 drinks - every time someone drinks a Snapple in Jerry's apartment.

2 drinks - every time Jerry is watching T.V.

3 drinks - whenever George complains about his parents nagging to him.

1 drink - everytime Elaine is shown at work.

2 drinks - every time a big-named celebrity guest star makes an appearence on screen.

2 drinks - everytime a part of the female or male gender is discussed.

3 drinks - if Jerry's current girlfriend has blonde hair.

2 drinks - if Jerry's current girlfriend has brown hair.

4 drinks - if both Jerry and George's girlfriends have brown hair.

2 drinks - every time a celebrity is mentioned.

1 drink - every time Jerry answers the phone.

2 drinks - every time Jerry gets asked for a favor.

2 drinks - every time Kramer is walking down the street.

1 drink - every time Jerry stands behind his counter.

4 drinks - every time the name of a band is mentioned.

3 drinks - every time George takes or has his glasses off.

2 drinks - every time an animal is shown on screen.

2 drinks - every time the word "sex" is mentioned.

2 drinks - every time the crowd claps and cheers when a character first comes on screen.

3 drinks - every time one of the characters are shown at a restraunt on a date.

2 drinks - every time you hear the word "Cosmo".

3 drinks - every time Kramer points at someone.

4 drinks - every time a midget is shown on screen.

2 drinks - every time someone buzzes Jerry's apartment.

3 drinks - every time Kramer is shown smoking a cigar.

2 drinks - every time Elaine gets in an argument with someone.

T H I N K W H E N Y O U D R I N K ! ! ! !


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people have gotten drunk while watching a show about nothing