Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Scrabble® Anagram Crossword Puzzles

Scrabble® Anagram Crossword Puzzle 019 (SOWPODS)

Here is the next Scrabble® Anagram Crossword Puzzle. Here is the printable static version for those who prefer it.

Scrabble® Anagram Crossword Puzzle 012 (TWL98)

Here is the next Scrabble® Anagram Crossword Puzzle using the TWL98 word list which is in use in US of A, Canada and Israel. Those who prefer a printable static version of the puzzle, click here.


At 6:03 AM, Blogger Pink Lemonade Diva said...

And here I thought a lengthy post about a Scrabble game would alienate my readership. Thanks for stopping by and referring me to your Scrabble blog. Sure won't be telling the BF about this secret weapon!

Have you posted background on your history with the game anywhere here?

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Pink Lemonade Diva said...

And here I thought a lengthy post about a Scrabble game would alienate my readership. Thanks for stopping by and referring me to your Scrabble blog. Sure won't be telling the BF about this secret weapon!

Have you posted background on your history with the game anywhere here?

At 6:08 AM, Blogger L said...

I LOVE your blog -- I am a rabid Scrabble enthusiast, although I'm no G.I. Joel...

merely a decent living room player :)

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Debby said...

I'm a Scrabble lover too. My first novel just came out with Putnam this week. How does this relate, you ask. It's about a teenage boy who learns about Scrabble and life from a Scrabble expert. It's called Storky: How I Lost My Nickname and Won the Girl by D.L. Garfinkle.


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