The PICmicro ring homepage

Welcome to the home of the PICmicro WebRing.

On the web there are so many sites about the PIC microcontroller and there are some good collection of links to these sites. The PICmicro WebRing is an effort to link all these pages in a "chain" so that the surfer can jump from site to site following a thematic link.

There are no particular requirements to join the PICmicro WebRing: if you have a site, a page or just a single project that uses a PIC microcontroller (or some similar processor as Scenix, AVR, etc.) you can join the ring. After you have filled the form you will get the HTML code fragment to insert in your page the ring links. Remember that you have to download and put in your site the two images of the ring banner. You can get the files pmring.gif and pmlink.gif from here. After you joined the ring you can always change your registration information. If you have problems with the PICmicro WebRing you can contact the ringmaster.

Visit a random site in the ring or look at the complete list.

For any questions, suggestions, critics feel free to contact