PostPet Interiors

Welcome to PostPet Interiors, introducing the lovely, pretty and cute interiors from the Japanese side and English side.

Right here, I would like to special thanks to all the room makers, 'cause given a permit to me for introduced the interiors from their side, thanks you so much!

All interiors pictures from this side are the property of their respective owners, please don't copy any interiors pictures from this side without any permission, thank you for your co-operated.


Please double click the "room" you want to go, have a nice viewing... ^-^


my original interiors ^-^

PostPet interiors for Mac and Win

PostPet interiors for Mac

PostPet interiors for Win

PostPet interiors for view only


 Important Note :

"PostPet" is the trademarks of Sony Communication Network Corporation (So-net). "Sony","Sony", "So-net" and "So-net" logo marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. And copyright of each room is a thing of each author.