Thanks for stopping by my homepage. I'm known as Hawk_ii to my friends on the 'Net'. I've enjoyed a rewarding career with IBM - it's allowed me to travel and work in intriguing places like China, Japan, and "Paradise West"-Hawaii. I lived there 9 years and fell in love with the culture,the people,and the natural beauty. Now I live in "Paradise East"->Florida! I was married for 30 years to an incredible loving lady, Babs, but In 1997 God decided He needed her to shine her light in Heaven rather than here. However - lightning struck twice and I have a new life partner to share good times and bad. I'm also the proud dad of a son who's an aircraft mechanic and avid SCCA member. Even though I'm retired, I'm not 'tired' I have many passions, my two favorites being motorcycles and scuba diving. The black bike you see here is a Honda Shadow 1100 - and it's louder than any Harley around!! But I'm not down on Harleys- I have one of those, too- a 1976 Bicentennial Sportster that I rebuilt pretty much from the ground up. I'm always on the lookout for charity runs,poker runs, even bar runs, though I rarely drink. Living in Florida makes the annual Bike Week and Biketoberfest (2 of the premier events in the motorcycle world) very accessible.. as are scuba trips! I like to collect antique diving equipment,and one of my treasures is an antique Mark IV helmet! I'm a master diver,and I'm looking forward to returning to Hawaii in the near future for some serious dives!! Maybe I'll see you on the road or in the ocean soon.......Aloha and Mahalos!! (Goodbye & Thank you) P.S. OK now you know all about me and my family --- how about sending me and e-mail at and let me know what you think of this homepage - It is always in a constant state of revision.
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