I am glad you stopped by. I am a beading artist. Please visit my beading page
and see my beadwork. I teach beading classes in the Memphis area. If you are
interested, please contact me by e-mail.
I offer free patterns on my beading page, which I change each month.
Browse my surnames page, if you are interested in genealogy. This hobby
of mine, is beginning to take up more time, than I had ever thought
possible. You go for periods of non-production, then suddenly, hit the
jackpot!! Thus is the life of a genealogist.
I am thinking about adding a genealogy help page on searching for your
Native American ancestors. If I find this is what you would like, I will do
so. Please e-mail me and let me know what you think.
Symptoms: Continual complaint as to need for names, dates and places.
Patient has blank expression, sometimes deaf to spouse and children. Has
no taste for work of any kind, except feverishly looking through records
at libraries and courthouses. *Wakes up in the middle of the night from a dream,
shouting "They've added two Smiths and a Harris" and then finds them
within a few days!!* (sure!!)Stops communicating with everyone who does not share
their obsession. Has compulsion to write letters. Swears at the mailman
when there is no mail. Pounds the computer keys, mercilessly,when there
is no e-mail. Disappears, but if you look around cemeteries,old abandoned
estates and back country roads, you are likely to find the patient. When
you do, he/she will have a faraway look in their eyes and be mumbling
strange things like gedcom, ftp and paf.
*Line contributed by Faith Laughs-a-Lot Woman*
I found this old poem, at this site: "Poem Link"
I think it is an epitaph from an old gravestone.
It made me stop, think, then smile a little, at the truth in it.
(By the way, if you will hit "home" at the above site, she really has some
good tips on how to photograph and/or make rubbings of gravestones.)
I dreamed death came to me last night
and Heaven's gate swung wide,
with kindly grace, an angel came
and ushered me inside!
And there...to my astonishment,
stood folks I'd known on earth,
Some I judged and called "unfit"
and some, "of little worth";
Indignant words rose to my lips
But never were set free;
For every face showed stunned surprise...
Not one, expected me!!!!!
Native American Culture
A quote from Carl (Grey Owl) Griggs, Principal Chief of the Northern Cherokee
Nation of Missouri and Arkansas:
"Indian blood is like gold, no matter how thinly it is spun, it still shines
just as brightly."
In the Native American area, I am including any related events, in the
MidSouth area. If you know of any, please send me the places, dates and
times and I will be glad to add it to my list.
I found that there are many events in the MidSouth area, involving Native American activities.
If you are interested in joining any of the NA associations in this area,
please contact me by e-mail and I will give you details.
Visit My Native American, Beading and Surname Pages
My Surnames
Native American Page:Native American Culture and Powwow Updates
My Beading Page:Bead Talk, Patterns, Links. Please E-mail me and tell me
about your favorite links.
My Genealogy, Native American, etc, Links: Some great genealogy and
Native American Sites
Miracles in My Life - My Witness of My Faith
Lynn's Page: Genealogy - Letson, Sparks, Reeves,
Goodmon/Goodman/Gooden. Coming soon, Beadwork, art, gardening pages
White Jay BeaderyWHITE JAY BEADERY: Visit our new online Bead Store!!
Pixie's Pad Okay, this is my baby's site. She is a Yorkie and was born May 12th, 1998.
Jesco Communication: Business Communication Systems - Vodavi Starplus, Inter-tel, Comdial.
Please sign my guestbook and leave a message!

Marylyn Letson
Memphis, TN
United States
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