Sometimes you just gotta sleep. Like at night, or after a long spell of scientific research, rock n'roll, or time travel (especially after the latter, let me tell you...). Man, is it important to have a good bedroom arrangement.  Heehee, made a funny there.
   Now, isn't this pleasant? Special thanks to interior design consultant Mundell Winstead.

Soft lights, soft colors, heavy drapes, comfortable furnishings, fabrics... Everything really comes into play in perfecting the bedroom equation. As part of my research in finding the best sleeping conditions, I have personally visited and slept in a wide variety of different places all over this vast earth. That includes a rock on top of a mesa in northern Mexico, a shipboard steerage cabin, and a youth hostel in Bavaria. Actually I didn't do much sleeping in two of the three. Guess which two?

Visitors and friends who sleep over often remark that they feel particularly well-rested after a night at my place. I take this as a compliment, and as an indication that they enjoy the country tranquility and the relaxed atmosphere of my place. Plus I always make a point of leaving a few technical books in the nightstand. I find that nothing puts me to sleep faster than reading a computer manual or some type of statistical research work.