Starting time. A good time to start is now. Or we could already be started. Just watch!


 One of Mewk's earliest childhood preoccupations was with time. As he recalls, "I just seemed to have a really good sense of time. As a little baby I was mentally marking time until I would be big enough to talk to my mama and daddy and the rest of my family. Then later I played with clocks and did time-travel experiments."

Mewk is fond of noting that "future developments are constantly being reshaped by the inexorable tides of an unruly past, ie. we can't be too sure of our memories-those events in the past change just like the ones in the present...we just have this bad habit of developing what can be termed 'histories' to help us keep from getting dizzy!" This view is supported by many latter-day quantum physicists.

Mewk is not above demonstrating this to interested parties by means of what he calls primitive broadcast technology, but that's a topic for a whole 'nother chapter! Let's focus on time here...well, don't fix your gaze, just direct it...

Beep, bee...Rock it child!email please!