The ancient Native Americans were very advanced, in spite of living in harsh surroundings with little in the way of material resources. Hmmm.

So what about all that outer space talk? Well, depends who'd be doing the talking. And how WOULD you know if you met someone from another galaxy?
Contrary to previous rumors, the government is NOT supressing evidence of extraplanetary, intergalactic, or otherwise FOREIGN intelligent lifeforms visiting this planet. What they don't want you to know is that most of us are essentially ALIENS any old way. But you knew that already!  
  Meet my darling little gal pal, currently known as Xina Carrasco of Los Angeles, CA. I first met her in Crete, in 1936. Funny, she doesn't look much different. Is she an alien? Nope. She's a woman. That's enough for any man's mind. Throw away the science books and go buy some flowers and smelly stuff. Like to dance? Learn how before it's too late! Xina drops in periodically, usually to get my opinions on prospective purchases for her art collection. She has a very nice car, too.
 Hey, can you do me a favor? If you meet any aliens, ask them email me!