Via Appia Apica (The Apian Way) is the most important of the Roman consular roads.

It is also known as "Regina Viarum" (the queen of the roads).

It begins at Porta San Sabastiano and winds towards the interior bordered with ancient monuments and others that are not so old.

Miraculous events such as the famous "Domine quo vadis?" are believed to have taken place here.

According to Christian tradition, this is the site where Jesus appeared to Peter as he was fleeing Rome for fear of being crucified.

The appostle, taken aback, uttered the famous phrase "Domine quo vadis" (Lord where are you going) and Jesus is said to have answered "venio iterum crucifigi" (I am returning to be crucified).

Peter grasped the invitation implicit in Christ's words and returned to Rome and martyrdom.


I toured the Basilica and Catacombs of San Sabastian.

The catacombs are deep galleries that were once quarries for travertine (limestone) and pozzolana (wells).

They became meeting places for the early Christians and shortly thereafter were also used as cemeteries.

Across the Appia Apica was a huge field where legend says Romulus was buried.

(Rome is named after Romulus, who, along with his brother Remus were raised by wolves---as the legends further say).

Here's Circo Massimo (Circus Maximus), which every fan of the movie Spartacus knows is where the chariot races were held.

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