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people have passed these pages since January 1996

Welcome to the Micropap Corporation Homepage
icon2.gif (290 bytes) Windows source code revealed
Windows upgrade available now
Complete list of Windows 95 errors
What does the 95 in "Windows-95" actually mean?
Genesis (according to Microsoft)
The end of the world is nigh
Why eternal damnation is better than Windows software development
Rikki Lake interviews Bill Gates
Microsoft buys entire 1995
What will happen when Bill Gates dies?
Microsoft saves plane from near disaster!
Microsoft appears in recently found Star Trek script
What if Data was Windows-95 compatable?
History of operating systems
Application conflicts
The last human ...
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Ten reasons why Microsoft cant remove IE from Windows
Links to other sites
Contributions wanted

These pages were last updated March 1998. Maintained by <u5ral@csc.liv.ac.uk>
The content of these pages are not necessarily the views of the contributor and/or the
maintainer of these pages. These pages are provided for humour purposes only.