Count Since Sept 22, 1995 |
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This page was created on Dec. 1995 as a Top Ten list, since then it has evolved into the page you see today, enjoy! Please Bookmark and visit often. Pam Middleton-Lee
The BEST, perfect for the beginner. A Must for the Pro. The ultimate page for Genealogy. Help, Guides, Libraries, Software, Maps and Geography, Genealogy Homepages. WHAT'S NEW WITH THE GENEALOGY HOME PAGE Current updated information on the Genealogy Home Page, all the newest links added and when. WHATS "REALLY" NEW WITH THE GENEALOGY HOME PAGE new links waiting for inclusion on the What's New Page, latest entries to date. Stephen A. Wood, Webmaster.
NGS is a national membership organization with more than 14,000 members nationwide. Charts, forms, aids, special reference materials. Webmaster: Mike St. Clair.
Getting Started, Catalog of Products & Services, Archives & Libraries, Resources, Online Publication, Global Research, Software Archives, Online BBS, Genealogy on the Internet & much more. Links to: National Archives, Library of Congress, Personal Pages, Valuable Resources, U.S. Resources, Foreign Resources. WWW ON-LINE SEARCH - access online search & try one of the searches "ROOTS" Cellar and a sample of GEDSRCH (linked Database). Available databases are SS Death Benefits Index, Roots Cellar-Computerized Family File, Pedigree Library, English 1851 partial census, US 1880 partial census, Canadian 1871 Ontario Census. Genealogy magazine on-line. A service provided by "EVERTON'S GENEALOGICAL HELPER".
Features: ROOTS SURNAME LIST NAME FINDER/SEARCHRoots Location List-searchable index Roots Surname List-search 50,000 names Soundex Converter-type a surname U.S. Reference Info, Medieval & Royal Genealogy, U.S. Presidents, U.S. Civil War, U.S.& Canada, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Jewish, Latino, Newsgroups & Mailing Lists.
If you would like to contribute your data or create a county page within a given state, please contact the person responsible for maintaining your state page. I am involved with the OHIO GENWEB SITE and I am the County Coordinater for COSHOCTON CO, OHIO Pam Middleton-Lee
The GENNAM-L Archive Containing 35,448 messages through: 18 Jun 1996 Access to the GENNAM-L Archive and other Family History related materials is provided by the Family History Division of Infobases, Inc. The GENNAM-L Archive is a collection of E-Mail messages that have been sent to the GENNAM-L mailing list or to the SOC.GENEALOGY.SURNAMES newsgroup since late 1994. The GENNAM-L mailing list (gennam-l@mail.eworld.com) is a place for people to submit queries about certain names in order to locate others doing similar research, etc.
From Matthew Helm: " Over the past few months I have received numerous messages asking about information on particular families or surnames not listed in the Genealogy Toolbox. Since I have not been able to adequately answer these questions I have decided to provide a place where individuals can post queries readable by other Toolbox users. These messages will be incorporated into a searchable index weekly.
To search the Genealogy Toolbox Surname/Family Query Archive please place your search terms in the space provided and then click on the search button."
NAIL was developed in response to a customer survey undertaken in Nebraska in 1994. The study concluded that citizens want information about NARA's holdings and services ONLINE, and wish to be able to access digital copies of selected documents online immediately.
The study also pointed out the need for NARA to present agency-wide information to the public in an integrated manner. The NARA WEB SITE and NAIL are the first steps in developing a nationwide information system for our Federal and Presidential holdings. Such initiatives are an integral part of NARA's newly-developed strategic plan and will revolutionize the way the NARA serves its customers.
Although NAIL contains more than 200,000 descriptions, it represents only a limited portion of NARA's vast holdings. IN A DEMOCRACY THE RECORDS THAT CONSTITUE OUR ARCHIVES BELONG TO THE CITIZENS. This initiative is an important first step to bringing the National Archives to citizens no matter where they are.
Information about Roots-L, files, databases, messages, archives. All about the ROOTS-L MAILING LIST.
NEW SUBJECT CATAGORY: PHONEBOOKS ON THE NET: LINKS BY SUBJECT. People Finder Searches, Other Investigative Databases, Government Investigative Databases, Newsgroup And Mailing List Searches, Search Engines, Investigtive Associations, Other PI Information, Privacy Subjects, Just For Fun, Free Software. WANT BETTER INVESTIGATIVE SOURCES? CHECK OUT THE TOP SOURCES OF INFORMATION MENU. FREE PEOPLE FINDER SEARCHES Searchable databases on the net that locate people's physical address, e-mail address, phone and fax number. THESE PAGES HAVE WON THE BEST OF THE INTERNET AWARD!
Professional researchers are indexed by the geographic area where they specialize.
Africa Australia Canada England and Wales France Germany Ireland Mexico New Zealand Norway Portugal Scotland Sweden Switzerland United States
Webmaster: John Howell
No. 16 FAMILY CHRONICLE MAGAZINE Family Chronicle is a new magazine, specially written for family researchers by people who share their interest in GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. The premiere issue was Aug 9, 1996
See cover of first issue View editorial line-up of first issue View the nominees for our Top Ten Genealogy Websites List, and vote! View our Surname Origin list Preview our special Alaska/Yukon Gold Rush Listing Sign our guestbook (and request subscription literature or author notes) Access subscription form
Family Chronicle (Genealogy Magazine) - Top Ten Genealogy Websites Nominees VOTE YOUR FAVORITES HERE Family Chronicle is surveying experienced websurfers to determine which of the web's 1,300+ genealogy sites are not to be missed. We're particularly interested in discovering "hidden gems" -- little-known sites with a lot to offer.
No. 18 THE UK AND IRELAND Information on England, Ireland (i.e. Northern Ireland & the Republic of Ireland, Wales, & Scotland, together with the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. This constitues the British Isles . The page is divided into links: REGIONS: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man. There is Information related to ALL the British Isles from Archives/Census to Taxation. Information on Archives & Libraries, Chruch Records, Emigration & Immigration, Gazetteers, Genealogy, History, Land & Property, Maps, Merchant Marines, Military Records, Periodicals, etc.
No. 19 MILITARY HISTORY The big three: MIL-CAT, Military Sites Catalog, Veterans' Resources. Military Science Resources: DE re militari. Association for the Advancement of Pre-Modern Military Studies: MIL-HIST, Central WWW Site for Scholars of Military History-Announcements, Graphics, On-Line Discussion, Fun Stuff.
The new Lost Friends Center database is now up and running. The new database allows the user to view the Lost Contact list in alphabetical order by first and last name, and also features a limited search capacity on first, last or maiden name.
To submit an entry for the Lost Friends Center, please complete the form. Form responses will be posted in the LFI Lost Friends Center for 100 days.
Options: View all Lost Friends Center entries or View Lost Friends Center entries by first letter, Search the database of Lost Friends by Name.
If someone in the Lost Friends Center listing has been located, or if you have information that could lead to their being found, please let them know at seeker@lost-and-found.com.
In the near future, RootsWeb will be adding:
Genealogy Listservers, Newsgroups & Special Homepages. All you need to know about what's available, right here at Vicki's.
NOTE* Not to be missed at this site is the Language translator, a must see.
CONTENT="Research-It!: research tools, find, searches, search engines, research, locate, lookup, search Web pages, finding, searching, look up, web, www, world wide web, Usenet newsgroups, articles, FTP sites, telephone numbers, email addresses, street addresses, people, software, shareware, freeware, news, files, programs, Gopher sites, maps, encyclopedia, meta, metasearchers, index, robot, World Wide Web search service, online, FindIt, internet tools, Paul Sarena, cool, awards, fast, best, fastest, biggest, largest, reference desk, language, dictionary, thesaurus, stock quotes, package tracking, packages, library, translate, translators, English, French, Japanese, German, Spanish, promote, advertising, advertise, publicity, traffic, promotion, find information, locate information, get information, find Web pages, navigate Internet, browse subjects, query, search-engines, keywords indexing robots databases, HTML CGI HTTP VRML URL browsers servers Netscape Microsoft Internet Expolorer Mosaic Java JavaScript Shockwave webmaster graphics icons images imagemaps FAQ programming jobs editors tutorials free.
Contains links to all known genealogical databases available on the Web. Sorted by the name of the database. Tim Doyle, Webmaster
Great Example of Removing Cracks Restore Old Baptismals to their Original Beauty. Make Dime Sized Locket Pictures Beautiful Again. Faded Families Brought Back to Life. Remove Unwanted Individuals.
Link To Your Topic Of Interest: Generally Seeking - Relatively Seeking - Militarily Seeking - Seeking Beneficiaries - Seeking Answers - Place your own add.
The Solution at Last! Finally, ONE place to find your missing relatives and friends, instead of surfing all over the Internet! Get reunited with your classmates and military pals fast with this new magazine. We'll even help you find your birth parents! We may even tell you that you have money coming to you that you never knew about! Begin your search immediately and even find out if someone is looking for you!
THE STATUE OF LIBERTY-ELLIS ISLAND FOUNDATION recently made its way online. The non-profit organization was founded in 1982 to raise funds "for the restoration and preservation of the Statue of Liberty andEllis Island." At the site you can read about the results of this effort, which include the island's Immigration Museum, the American Immigrant Wall of Honor, and the very cool HISTORY CENTER, WHICH, WHEN COMPLETED, WILL SERVE AS A RESOURCE FOR RESEARCHING FAMILY IMMIGRATION HISTORY. The Center will include an ELECTRONIC DATABASE of "the historic data on the 20 million immigrants who arrived through New York Harbor and Ellis Island between 1892 - 1924."
American History Documents and Archives Latin American History Documents Canadian History Documents East Asian and Australian History Documents British and Irish History Documents and Web Sites Canadian History Documents East Asian and Australian History Documents British and Irish History Documents and Web Sites Canadian History Documents East Asian and Australian History Documents British and Irish History Documents and Web Sites Cold War, Soviet and Related History Documents Eastern European History Documents and Web Sites Near Eastern and Levantine History Documents German History Web Sites French History Web Sites Iberian and Italian History Web Sites Ancient Mediterranean History Web Sites African History Documents and Web Sites Military History Documents and Web Sites Natural and Scientific History Documents and Web Sites Art History Web Sites Genealogy Sites Religious Texts and Archives Libraries Associations of General Interest Historical Journals Online History BibliographiesPlaces on the World Wide Web for Historians at California State University San Marcos compiled by: Ben Henick (bhenick@owl.csusm.edu) CSUSM . And thanks to Joan Gundersen of CSUSM, who is responsible for evaluating the content that is suggested for links to the CSUSM history hotlist. For permission for this link.
Let us keep track of the many new genealogy web sites, and tell you which ones may be of interest to you in our web site reviews.
Interested in files? We will point out where the latest Internet shareware genealogy programs and genealogical data files can be found.
And, of course, no genealogy publication would be complete without queries. Queries are printed free of charge, whether or not you are a subscriber. You may submit as many as you like, although they are printed on a space-available basis. You may also submit a URL for review, or enter a comment in our guestbook. Subscribers may now receive the New://Web.Sites URLs via e-mail for ease of surfing.
New Jerusalem has over 65,000 hits/week, over 5,350 unique visitors every week! over 765/day! The New Jerusalem assumes no liability for the accuracy of the answers given at this site. All answers given are copyright © 1995, 1996 by New Jerusalem, and submissions become the property of New Jerusalem.
Format used at site for your question:
Your Name: Anonymous in public posting? Your return Email Address: Your GENEALOGY LADY Question: