Welcome to the Court of Darkness web ring. Yes it is finally up and running. Please bear with me as i am new to this and trying to learn how to do this. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at ~drkdreams~ i hope to do alot of work here...providing you with several image options to chose from as well as updates on new sites added to our ring. if you know of anyone you would like to have join us by all means send them here. i will look at their page and decide if they fit into our ring. but don't count on me turning someone away. i set this up so that other can get to know us and our friends. please take the time to do the little bit of work to add yourself to our ring as i have spent many hours trying to set it up. i hope this works out for all of us. thank you!
always ~drkdreams~

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