
This is an image of the recently discovered supernova in NGC3982, a magnitude 12.2 galaxy in the bowl of the Big Dipper. The galaxy is the bright round fuzzy patch in the middle of the frame. The supernova is the bright "star" on the edge of the galaxy. Above and to the right is a neighboring galaxy and above that is another. To give an idea of how bright the supernova is, consider that the star before it went supernova would just be part of the fuzz around the core of the galaxy-not even enough to occupy a single grain on the film. Now it is outshining it entire host galaxy. This was taken with my 12.5" Newtonian on 04/28/98. It is a digital stack of a 30 minute and 60 minute exposure. The ST-4 was used to autoguide using an average of 2 5 second exposures. Film used was unhypered Kodak PJM. I could not see the host galaxy from my light polluted front yard, but used Guide 4.0 to find what looked like a matching star pattern. I could see the supernova and with averted vision I though I could just make out a little haze. A few stars matched the Guide chart, so I started shooting. I will attempt to shoot it whenever I get the chance to try and track its progress.


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michael regish

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