Hey, I now have my own chat room.
My email address is miraethebest@hotmail.com send me an email, please. Also, if you have ICQ, my number is 13188981.
While your here please sign my guestbook. Thank you!
Wow! My home page has been visited over 200 times! Thanks to all who visited it. I never expected 200 visits when I first made this home page.
If you want to see what I look like, you can just scroll down (there is also other pics in some other pages). But If your using Netscape you probably won't be able to see them.
My dad, Kayo, some First Nation dude and I (the blonde, not the guy with the feathers on his head, heh heh) at the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It's the largest walking suspension bridge.
Jessica (Jess for short), Angela (or Ange) and I (the blonde) in a school pic. We finally found out we could get it together! Heh heh heh.
This pic was taken on my second birthday (September, 1987). I hope you can tell which one is me!
This page has been visited times since sometime during June or May, 1998 when I made this page. I forget which day it was.