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hello. you have entered misery's homepage. redone. the seventh time. so its VII.
if you think that this font is too small, get some specs. i've done it at 1280x1024, so i think its all right with your resolution too. to enable proper viewing be sure that your browser understands table backgrounds and java script. a resolution of 1024x768 would be fine, 800x600 works, but does not look astonishing. ah, and 16 bit colordepth. all done? latest newsflash: netscape sucks. really. the 4.5 version does not display the left table background for some reasons. i tried to get it working, and i don't know whats the problem this time. if anyone out there has an idea what i can do to get rid of that problem, mail me i'm really not a microsoft fan, but at least internet explorer is working properly.
misery, 30.06.99
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