Miss Angie

New Faces*
written by Brian Q. Newcomb

Okay, so the name suggests a middle-aged spinster Sunday School teacher. But Miss Angie plays no-nonsense worship music that rocks. Guitar-heavey modern rock with the girlish vocals of Angie Turner may suggest to some listeners previous musical turns by Verucal Salt and Belly, but 100 Million Eyeballs defins this singer/songwriter in a league of her own.
     Take the album's unusual title track, which draws on an obscure reference in the Bible's Book of Reveleation. Miss Angie admits: "I wanted to write a 'cartoon' song, that had real truth in it. Musically, it's kind of an alteretive/disco feel, but lyricly it's about the creatures with six wings and four head and eyes all over their bodies that worship eternally before the trhone of God saying, 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'. I used their chorus as the chorus of my songs as well, so as I sing it, I can join in my worship of God and theirs." This approach is echoed in Satisfied and Lift My Eyes Up.
    The songs Trampoline suggests the ups and downs of faith that "most Christians can identify with," Miss Angie explains. "I'm still a sinner. I'm trying to please God, but my sinful nature hasn't simply disappeared. Our spirits long to be with God in heaven where there is no sin, but we're stuck in these bodies in this flesh. The song comes back to the truth that I can take delight in God. Even though I fall sometimes, I can still love, serve and take delight in God."
     A playful, joyful, almost childish energy rocks through 100 Million Eyeballs which Miss Angie says grows out of the fact that "my family and friends really don't look at me as a grown-up yet." Still, there's a real grown-up purpose behind her music. She affirms, "It's a way or bringing that life-changing message to a lot more people."

*taken from Sound And Spirit's catalog

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