The two guys on the left are so obviously beer-drunk rednecks that we have no trouble identifying the Hispanic-looking guy from New York.  The kid from New York is obviously not a redneck.  Look at the way he tries to wear a bandanna!
Two of the guys above are genuine rednecks, but one
is a kid from New York who was attending his first party with
rednecks. The kid from New York has reached some conclusions
about the cultural and educational level of his companions.

One Reason Why "They" Think We're Rednecks

Unfortunately, far too many people I have encountered around Birmingham are careless in their use of the English language and, even worse, seem unaware of how backward this carelessness makes them appear. Examples of this sloppy use of language are all around us every day. Confusing "lie" and "lay" as in "I'm going to go home and lay down," using the the wrong case with pronouns as in "him and her went to the football game," confusing singular and plural nouns as in "his license were at home instead of in his wallet," mixing up verbs like "sit" and "set" as in "come on in and set a spell" -- these and many other language blunders are used by all sorts of people that we encounter every day in Clay, Calera, East Lake, Hoover, Homewood, Brook Highlands, and many another neighborhood. Sadly, however, many of these folks who commit such errors don't realize how bad these mistakes make the blunderer look. Perhaps they are unaware that other people like potential employers or potential customers are annoyed by such clumsiness. Perhaps they are unaware that making lots of such errors really sends out the message that the speaker is not very familiar with proper English and is probably not very well educated about anything else either. Surely they must not be thinking what they are doing when they butcher the language so badly that listeners think they are ignorant and illiterate boobs. Actually there are so many poor users of English around Birmingham that visitors to our city often jump to the conclusion that we are a backward and poorly educated bunch of rednecks, and that's really a problem for all of us.

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