"And what are you planning, Netanyahu?"

Suppose, then, that Benjamin Netanyahu replaces "Bulldozer" Sharon as Prime Minister of Israel. (All the polls on the Israeli elections suggest that Netanyahu could easily win.) Could Netanyahu be any more likely to lead the way to a peaceful resolution of the conflict?

Well, Netanyahu seems to be even more of a hawk than Ariel Sharon. Consider just two of his recent public statements:

"Yasser Arafat is just Osama bin Laden with good PR."
"There can never be a Palestinian nation on the West Bank; such a nation would pose a mortal threat to Israel."

In other words, it doesn't appear that Netanyahu would be a suitable Prime Minister to lead the way in one of those fore-doomed diplomatic efforts to end the violence.

But you can read what Netanyahu has to say for himself by clicking onto the website created by Netanyahu's campaign organization.

Benjamin Netanyahu's Home Page