Answers to Trivia Quiz #2

        1. Benjamin Franklin
        2. "Adieu" (French) and "adios" (Spanish)
        3. Sophocles
        4. Hamlet
        5. Anno Domini or "in the year of our Lord"
        6. Trumpet
        7. Ann Boleyn
        8. United States, England, France, and Soviet Union (Russia)
        9. Thomas Paine
        10. The New York Times
        11. A legislature composed of two bodies (or houses) such as the House of Representatives and the Senate (U.S.) or the House of Lords and the House of Commons (England)
        12. The Attorney General
        13. The Nile
        14. Anchorage
        15. The Boy Scouts of America
        16. Agribusiness
        17. Atom
        18. The crust
        19. Amphibians
        20. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
        21. The Apollo Program's main achievement was putting a man on the surface of the Moon.
        22. Genesis
        23. Guinevere
        24. Robert Burns
        25. Hans Christian Andersen

        Scoring: 4 points for each correct answer. Subtract 2 points for each question you guessed at. Total your points and then give yourself a grade using the following scale:

        100-90 ("A"); 89-80 ("B"); 79-70 ("C"); 69-60 ("D");59-0 ("F")

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