Answers to Trivia Quiz #17

        1. Aristophanes was a writer of plays.
        2. Macbeth
        3. a bag of Krystal hamburgers
        4. George Gershwin
        5. Julius Caesar
        6. Hiroshima, Japan
        7. Andrew Jackson
        8. an unconventional young woman who smoked and drank in public
        9. government by the rich
        10. trying the same person twice for the same crime
        11. Africa
        12. Jacksonville
        13. an early ancestor of human beings
        14. any form of money the government of a country says is legal money
        15. a catalyst
        16. the area is nine times larger
        17. a sedimentary rock
        18. the endocrine system
        19. pork
        20. thermostat
        21. Nazareth
        22. Zeus
        23. casa
        24. one of Satan's most powerful assistant devils
        25. Islam (the Muslims)

        Scoring: 4 points for each correct answer. Subtract 2 points for each question you guessed at. Total your points and then give yourself a grade using the following scale:

        100-90 ("A"); 89-80 ("B"); 79-70 ("C"); 69-60 ("D");59-0 ("F")

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