Answers to Trivia Quiz #14

        1. King Alfred the Great
        2. Hanukkah
        3. Mary Shelley
        4. the indirect object
        5. Dali was a 20th Century Spanish painter.
        6. William the Conqueror
        7. Hirohito
        8. Pennsylvania
        9. Geraldine Ferraro was Walter Mondale's running mate in the 1984 Presidential election.
        10. Moscow, Russia
        11. the First Amendment
        12. Calcutta
        13. Hartford
        14. stealing
        15. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
        16. amplitude
        17. acute angle
        18. erosion
        19. cellulose
        20. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
        21. The Wright Brothers made the first airplane flight.
        22. the Pope
        23. Icarus plunged to his death when he flew too close to the sun and the wax holding his artificial wings together melted.
        24. Ralph Waldo Emerson
        25. Alexander the Great

        Scoring: 4 points for each correct answer. Subtract 2 points for each question you guessed at. Total your points and then give yourself a grade using the following scale:

        100-90 ("A"); 89-80 ("B"); 79-70 ("C"); 69-60 ("D");59-0 ("F")

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