Since many number of years they have been beginning to know different versions from which it is known like " consign, message, mandate or last decree of Cuahtémoc ", also like " Consign of Anáhuac ". These say that they come from the people that have the oral tradition in spite of those who deny their authenticity, every day appear new variants of this hopeful message.

The different versions have much in common. In all it is spoken of the concealment of the sun that illuminated to the old Anáhuac. In all it is requested to the old anahuacas that secretly conserve our native culture, that their descendants transmit orally until ours Sixth Sun must to good illuminate resurging of the ancestral civilization of Anáhuac: fact that already began to pronounce itself in our mother country. 

According to it is said, they matlactlihuan yei cuestzpallin ilhuitl, they ipan tlaxochimaco metztli, they ipan yei calli xihuitl, they ipan IC macuiltetl Tonalli (" day thirteen small lizard, in the month flowers are ofrendan, in year three marries, the Fifth Sun "), Monday 12 of August of 1521, one met to the Council of Government of the Anáhuac Confederation, presided over by the huey tlahtohuani Cuauhtemoctzintli and decided to send this message to the four courses of the old Anáhuac.

The official notice would have been sent to the oral comunication system to conserve the facts that were fundamental in the Calmecac of the old Anáhuac. Until the present, in many localities of native speech they continue existing depositarios of the anáhuaca oral tradition. In Ichcateopan the memory kept from the burial of Cuahtémoc through eleven " alive letters ", first of them would have been born in 1519.

The Slogan of Anáhuac that imagines aqui tries to be complete. It is an integration of seven different versions. The spelling of this version is the traditional call, although fonemizada, the syntax is the one that is considered to be used in the Calmecac, the used verbs to talk about to our generating forces, our deceaseds, our parents and to Anáhuac they are in his honorante form, as it corresponds to the news bulletin of a citizen of the old Anáhuac that had been educated in the Calmecac: this one was the case of Cuahtémoc.


Totonaltzin ye omotlatihzinoh,
totonaltzin ye omixpoliuhtzinoh,
they ihuan centlayohuayan otechcahuilih.
Mohualhuiliz Mach tictomachiliah occeppa,
ma occeppa moquizaltiz
they ihuan yancuican techmotlahuililiquiuh.
In oquic ompa mictlanzinco momanilticaz
ma zan iciuhca titocentlalihtzinocan,
ma titonechicohtzinocan
they ihuan toyolnepantlahtzinco ma tictotlatilican
mochi in toyollotzin quimotlazohtilia
they ihuan ticmachiliah totlaqui:
chalchihuitzintli runs into yuhquin huei.
Ma tiquinpohpolhuican in toteocalhuan,
in they tocalmecahuan, in totlachcohuan,
in they totelpochcalhuan, in tocuicacalhuan;
ma mocelcahuican in toohuihuan
they ihuan tochantzitzinhuan ma techpielican
Moquizaltiz Quin ihcuac in yancuic totonaltzin,
in tetahzitzintin they ihuan in tenantzitzintin
ma aic xicmilcahuilican
quimilhuitizqueh in intelpochtzitzinhuan
they ihuan ma quinmachtilican inpilhuantzitzinhuan
in oquic nemitizqueh,
huel Quenin cualli moyetzinoticatca
quin axcan Totlazohanahuac
in techmocuitlahuiqueh stands out toteotzitzinhuan,
intlanequiliz ihuan intlaelehuiliz,
they ihuan zan ye not ipampa toquinmahuiliz
they ihuan toquinpololiz
oquinceliliqueh in tiachcatzitzihuan,
they ihuan tlen in totahtzitzihuan,
ahhuic yolecayopan,
oquinximachtiliqueh toyelizpan.
Axcan tehhuantzitzin tiquintotequimaquiliah
in they topilhuan:
¡Macamo quicalhuilican, ma quinnonotzacan
the Quenins inpilhuan huel moyetzinotiyez
in imahcoquizaliz,
moehualtiz Quenin occeppa in totohaltzin;
the Quenins ihuan huel mochicahuilihtzinoz
huel hueyica moquitzontiliz Quenin
inehtotiliztzin inin
totlazohtlalnantzin Anáhuac¡
Anáhuac Huei Tlahtohuani
cuetzpalin, tlaxochimaco, yei mahtlactlihuan yei calli
Our sacry energy already had to hide itself,
our venerable sun already disappeared its face with dignity,
and altogether darkness deigned to leave us.
Certainly we know (that) one will deign again to return,
that again it will have to good to leave
and again it will come with dignity to illuminate to us.
Whereas there between deads it must to good permancer
Very fast joint,
joint of all our
and in the middle of our heart we hide
all the our heart is honored loving
and we know our wealth
in us like great emerald.
Let us make disappear the our sacred places,
ours calmecac the our games of ball,
ours telpochcalis, the our houses of song;
that single the our ways remain
and our homes that they preserve to us
Even when one deigns to leave new the our sun,
the venerated parents and the venerated mothers
that they never forget
to say to them to the its young people
and that teaches to (a) their children to them
while they deign to live,
indeed how good he has been
until now ours loved ANÁHUAC
where they take care of late venerated ours to us,
its will and its desire,
and single also because of our respect by them
and our humility before them
that they received preceding venerated ours
and that ours venerated parents,
to a side and another one in the veins of our heart,
they made them know in our being.
Now we gave the task (to)
the our children
That they do not forget, that they inform to them
 (to) its children intensely as it is
the its elevation,
 as again the our venerable sun rises
and indeed as it shows his force with dignity
 indeed as it must to good complete huge
 its worthy promise this
ours venerated and loved earth mother ANÁHUAC!
Anáhuac Huei Tlahtohuani
cuetzpalin, tlaxochimaco, yei mahtlactlihuan yei calli
(thirteen      small lizard,      flowers, three     are ofrendan house)
(Monday 12 of agost of 1521 of the Julian European calendar)
(Thursday 22 of August of 1521 of the gregorian European calendar)
This Consign was taken from the book of Tlacatzin Stívalet ANÁHUAC 2000, the past and it presents it projected
it made the future. Editings Eagle and Sun, Mexico 1990.

The time has been marked, as well as our grandparents had to hide our civilization before invaders, we know that already it is hour to wake up. To us he corresponds to us to make an effort to us, to work so that again bloom the magnificencia and the glory of ours loved Anáhuac mother. As he left us this Cuahtemoczintli, in the heart of each one of us is the wisdom of our grandparents. It is already moment that began to construct with our hearts, harmoniously, stone by stone, from his foundations, which will be the Confederation of Anáhuac, whose will be  build to conclude day 22 of August of the year 2000, day chicoyei cuetzpalin, tlaxochimaco month, of year tecpatl, the Sixth Sun of Anáhuac.

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Xiuhcóatl (J.s.b)
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