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This is an interview between me and Aragon on 2/5/00. Aragon is currently playing as Vision, Lan and Tak. His other aliases include Jago, Aragon, Padisher, Polgara, Sephrenia and Sc. He is a member of the clan, Arena.

L98: Tell me about your mudding career, from the beginning.

A: how I started and stuff?

L98: Yes, what was your first mud? How did you get into it?

A: this was my first mud a friend at my high school showed me it
A: at the time I was into the irc chat and didn't think much of this place

L98: When was that?

A: hmm
A: id have to say 5 or more years ago I think
A: im not sure
A: I was here for the first tdome 2

L98: Who was your friend and does he still play?

A: he played a char called steve I played a char named shawn
A: he quit
A: I quit for a year or so too
A: then I came back to it not sure how but I did
A: I got another friend of mine to play with me
A: we started playing through high school classes and after school
A: that was when I got addicted

L98: Who was his character?

A: I can remeber writing down plans about what I wanted to do :P
A: I can't remember his name he played a Assassin
A: he does not play anymore
A: I use to look at your id list come on and try and track blaster for the shotgun :P
A: thats how much I sucked =)
A: Guys that helped me become what I am today would be
A: first person would be Mortal then brawn then lyons and djinn
A: they pretty much got me going
A: thats the order I met them in
A: brawn got me into Dilznick after it fell apart not long after lyons aproached me
A: I didn't think I was anywhere good enough for arena
A: I had grouped with a bunch of the members way better then me
A: but luck would have it I got in thats when I started to become a lot 
A: learned a lot

L98: I know you for doing crazy things, like your short obsession with HHH.
L98: Have you always been like that?

A: hmm I think I sometimes think a group can do a bit more then they can
A: but I like to take the chance then wussy out
A: like my group and Aqua's trying hhh fucking crazy :P
A: its all in fun
A: I only get mad when it takes long for the rescue crews to get organized
A: :P

L98: In your opinion, what was the best time in TDome's history?

A: I like the new stuff but I would really like to try the ninja tower and
A: see what mind link and mounts are like being at this skill lvel
A: I think all the times have good things
A: but I would really like to see what I could do in the earlier versions knowing what I do now
A: and id love to see what cs 1 is all about

L98: You've known quite a few of the TDome players. If  TDome was shut down, who will you remember the most?

A: hmm tough one
A: all of arena id miss a lot
A: id miss the whole mud I think
A: the people I talk with the most id miss a lot too
A: Djinn, lexxa, odie, solo
A: prowl
A: though haven't seen him much lately
A: plus my recent jackerhood imms are pretty cool too the ones I talked with
A: not sure there take on me now though for stepping down :0
A: its hard to say people cause I like a lot of people here =)
A: don't like to leave people out

L98: What was it like being a jacker? Do you prefer being a jacker or running a crew?

A: both have ups but running a crew is way better in my opion
A: I found it frustrating going agaist guges
A: no chance in hell

L98: What is the worst thing that has happened to you on TDome?

A: well there was all the dts... :P
A: hmm
A: prolly the bigest thing is being plooted right after mortal gave me a kawanaga
A: and storm killed a mob and kept my sword and sold it to me
A: that was fucking cheap :P
A: the mob had picked up my sword

L98: If you could change any aspect of TDome, what would it be?

A: con cost eq loading and plooting
A: id like to see mounts back too

L98: I believe Techno is working on the mounts now.

A: *nod*

L98: This will be the last question.
L98: Where do you see yourself in the future?

A: hmm id like to have some sort of computer job maybe IT or somthing
A: hope to play tdome till it is shutdown :0
A: hopefully never
A: id like to go to the float someday too
A: and a bunch of other mudders id like to meet someday

L98: Thank you

[Legion 98]