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This is an interview between me and Lyons on 4/24/00. Lyons is also known as Cheroch, Health, Ayudarme, Shenandoah, TuGGeR and Feeb. He is the mighty and powerful leader of Arena. Lyons is currently researching new and exciting methods of con dying.

L98: How did you get into mudding?

L: in college I picked up a copy of internet magazine...
L: I read an article in there about tdome 2...
L: I had no idea about online games...
L: so I checked it out.. and I was hooked...
L: this was early 94
L: or some JUNK

L98: What made you decide to stay on TDome?

L: the challenge...
L: I played 3 lame ass hunters when I started...
L: they were terrible...
L: I loved exploring and doing new things...
L: I was challenged...

L98: You currently lead the clan, Arena.
L98: Tell me about how you got into Arena, and your history with the clan.

L: well... I was leader of a clan that I will not name before I joined...
L: I used to group with Roc and Stonefist all the time...
L: before long... they were asking me to join...
L: at that time stonefist (djinn) was kinda in commmand..
L: were were only 5 or 6 ppls strong...
L: over the years our numbers built, and stonefist became the true leader...
L: about 3 or so years ago, djinn became a jacker....
L: when that happened... I was voted into leadership...
L: I have been here ever since...
Lyons flashes the  sign.

L98: Lyons is female. Why?

L: eheh... 
L: Well......
L: the char was originally going to be a junk char...
L: I wanted to have a char that I could throw into the fray and not care...
L: so.. I named the char after my bitchy ex girlfriend...
L: I got SOME gratification when ever this char died...
L: but.. again over the years... I kinda kept her.. and she is what she is.. :p
L: now.. I just like the name...
L: screw her.. :p

L98: Are you ever going to apply for the Jacker position?

L: no
L: I don't want to be a jacker... maybe an imm...
L: I know it is usually a stepping stone...
L: but... I don't want to become a jacker...

L98: What do you like the most about TDome?

L: the people mostly... the game itself is getting a little old...
L: new areas are not popping up as much as we all would like...
L: the people here are different then anywhere else...
L: the people who make it on this mud are usually the cream of the crop...
L: there is a "forced" hierarchy...
L: a kill or be killed mentality...
L: and besides... I love the taste of blood...
Lyons licks her mouth and smiles.

L98: What do you not like about TDome?

L: it's rate of change...
L: I understand the big wigs are getting tired of us sniveling mortals...
L: they get burnt out...'
L: understandable... but... then we need some lower level imms to step up and make changes...
L: and not settle for the same old thing...
L: it is quite apprent in the lack of quests and quest items...
L: the majority of the imms either don't have the time/levels/or inclination...
Lyons shrugs helplessly.
L: shit happens...

L98: If you could change anything about this game, what would it be?

L: hrm... few things...
L: 1) Not make Strahd an immortal.. :p
L: 2) make more areas...
L: more challenges...
L: 3) more quests... god run ones... for kick ass prizes...
L: other then that... I think the shop/cash problem has been solved.. 

L98: What is your favorite zone, and why?

L: fav or frequented?

L98: Favorite

L: hrm... Danger game...
L: it's prolly stock code... but...
L: that area has quite a few interesting twists to it...
L: or rock grotto when it was in play...
L: I like area that have kewl little things that make you think...
L: areas even...
L: alcatraz
L: machine
L: all cool...
L: I cannot say I have a REALLY top favorite...

L98: What has been your greatest accomplishment on TDome?

L: well.. probably when feeb got his heart...
L: or the time when feeb tanked grond for Lugnut's old char.. :p
L: now that was a log...
L: fight musta lasted 20 min...
L: mucks repoped a time or 2 on us in there.. :p

L98: What is the most important thing you've learned from TDome?

L: hrm.. I have learned quite a bit from tdome...
L: most important lesson is that real life stinks.. :p
L: I wanna be a slacker.. :p
L: uhm...
L: I don't know... it taught me how to find the challenges in most things...
L: adapt and overcome... :p

L98: What are some of the things you do IRL?

L: how did I know that this question was coming sooner or later??? :)
L: well...'
L: I am a computer consultant... (wish I were a slacker)
L: I am the CEO/President of my own web development company.. (again.. wish I were a slacker)
L: I am a working musican...
L: and I have no real life....
L: it's work work work work work work work work...
L: oh and mud...
L: :p

L98: Tell me about your band.

L: currently I am in a 3 piece acoustic act...
L: we play stuff like...
L: steely dan, the eagles, the doors...
L: mostly classic rock and some JUNK...
L: it's kinda kewl taking a song everybody knows and rework it...
L: when we play in the bars and clubs... we always play someone's favorite song...
L: it's different every time...

L98: If you were lost somewhere in Milwaukee, had no money and no food, you were starving
L98: but found a canteloupe with a small hole cut into it...would you eat it?

L: eheh not if morg has been there...
L: I would rather eat grass or bark... or dog turd...
L: not Morg's little love toy...

L98: You're the only normal person among the TDome players in Milwaukee.
L98: What made you decide to live there?

L: I am far from "normal"...
L: I am just not socio- or psychopathic like my neighbors...
Lyons twitches nervously.
Lyons twitches nervously.
L: I went to college out here...
L: I didn't want to go back home..
L: so.. I stayed...
L: I mudded 6 months straight... with no job...
L: after graduation...
L: I was broke.. tired... and hungry...
L: so I got a job...
L: I went from slacker to work-aholic...
L: I will move... soon...
L: dunno where...
L: I gave myself 10 years here...
L: I have been here for 9 atm...
L: 1 more year... I will pick up and move somewhere...
L: all I know is I am tired of this cold and snow bullshit...

L98: IRL, if you, and every other Milwaukee TDomer were thrown into a giant cage
L98: and forced to fight to the death, who would be the last person alive? Explain.

L: hrm...
L: the last 3 standing would probably be myself... alias... and merciless...
L: in no particular order...
L: as far as we 3...
L: dunno...
L: alias and I both have a major mean streak...
L: merc is pretty smart... he maybe able to outwit brawn with brain...
L: he does it here all the damn time..
L: I guess it would depend on who has the least to lose...
L: I cannot answer your question any clearer... I just wouldn't know.. :p

L98: Now, what if every Milwaukee TDomer's crew was thrown into the Technodome. Who would win?

L: crew eh?
L: hrm...
L: alias or merc prolly...
L: I would be the first to go...
L: I would be the most formidable if I were left alive...
L: so I would be hunted first...
L: all the BCC guys are pretty smart when it comes to pkillin...
L: they all have their own little tactics...
L: it would be a toss up between Alias and Merc... prolly Alias tho...

L98: This will be the last question.
L98: Where do you see yourself in the future?

L: eheh irl or tdome?

You shrug.

L: eheh
L: okay as far as tdome...
L: I don't know... maybe active... maybe not...
L: depends on what happens irl...
L: as far as irl...
L: I don't know...
L: rich....
L: powerful...
L: inline for world domination... :p
L: I have no clue...
L: I have enough trouble getting through 24 hours...
L: let's put it this way...
L: I never thought I would have lived to be as old as I am now...

L98: Thank you.

L: nods... say do I have a chance for a question?

L98: go ahead

L: if slacking were a paying job.... how much money would you have 

L98: maybe 200 thou

L: that's some good slacking...

L: keep up the good work...

[Legion 98]