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This is an interview between me and Merciless on 2/22/00. Merciless is currently playing as Vax. Some of his other aliases include Im, Maestre, Kaisersoze, Mechanized, Inc and Vin. His characters Im and Vin were not pkillers. Merciless is one of the best known pkillers of TDome. He is always coming up with new and exciting ways of pkilling and looting other players. Some of his most recent victims include Garp, MaxII and Nic.

L98: How long have you been playing TDome?

M: since november of 94

L98: How did you find out about the game?

M: some friends mainly guys like feidor and balance

L98: Was this your first mud?

M: yep

L98: You are one of the best known pkillers. Have you always pkilled?

M: no, pre-cs i was a fairly rough barb, hadnt killed anyone at that point

L98: What made you start pkilling?

M: started with a kill with ciane of this dork darklord, got pissed for a while kept doin it...
M: found it to be more fun
M: funny thing is l8r he asked me to build on his mud.. what a joke that was

L98: How many pkills do you think you have made over the years?

M: god too many to count, over 100

L98: Tell me about your most memorable pkill.

M: hrmmm, prolly a joke kill about 3 months ago when i used feidors char to trick....
M: redwolf into sparring then psiattack-looted him, gave his shit back though

L98: If it is a different incident, tell me also about your most difficult pkill.

M: well most arent tough cause i use cheese, but trying to take out all of legion was a challenge
M: but that was mainly a wouldnt leave town thing
M: but hey, i had 4 sets of their gear cryoed

L98: When was the best time to play tdome, in your opinion?

M: for me it was right before cs, but that was mainly because a lot of my friends were playing
M: and it made for good groups, now its kind of a solo thing for me even though some of my friend
M: still play they dont wanna be in a group with me, presents probs
M: with how much im targetted and all

L98: What is your preferred class to pkill with, and what is your preferred class to pkill?

M: to pkill with, atm mutants cause its easy to do naked with minimal risk, used to use sammys,
M: b4 they downed spirit attack
M: it was fun when 1s of salvation army was vio, and with an action set, spirits would hunt
M: newbies

L98: I remember that

M: also the autoloot action in the morgue used to be fun

L98: Do you ploot more for the challenge/fun or more for the profit?

M: depends, sometimes i have an incognito pplayer on the side and ill keep the gear,
M: sometimes ill junk it to piss people off, for a while i used to
M: ask trivia pursuit questions to get gear back

L98: Do you have a favorite attack method?

M: anything cheesy, right now, the wait for them to attack a mob, then psiattack
M: but most of the guys i hit die more cause they are dumb, then because
M: i am good
M: like the other day i got vex when he had a psiattack mut with him...
M: he just didnt type fast enough to assist
M: and he didnt make an action to loot his own corpse

L98: This will be the last question.
L98: Where do you see yourself in the future?

M: dunno, i mean right now, the only time i come on is when i have jack shit else to do
M: but if i had a reason to drop this pkill shit, i would
M: i almost did a couple months back when image and a couple others wanted to make a clan of us
M: guys, but that fell through so back i was

L98: Thank you.

M: np

[Legion 98]