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This is an interview between me and Redwolf on 2/27/00. Redwolf is currently playing as a Samurai by the name Giri. He is also known by the following aliases: Morg, Joram, Daffy, Foreskin, Feidor (on td1), Isaah, Lian, Abyss, Jahova, Mishra, Koresh, Cadderly, Jorelle, Lace, Aim, Nikkita and Rgr. He has played as a full crew, jacker and immortal and has founded three clans, {Teklords}, The Claw and KoC. Redwolf is currently attempting to devise a way of preserving his own farts.

L98: How did you start mudding?

R: I used to play games on this MBBS called ODS, online data systems
R: and I was a hoss at Galactic empire, and loved it, till after high school
R: my friend Jamie went to UWM and heard about mudding from someone,
R: he and some other friends found tdome and they talked me out of ODS into
R: tdome.
R: I still remember trying to picture killing a 'mob'
R: as in, 'Why would a bunch of guys be attacking me?'
R: then he explained it as mobile. duh on me.

L98: How long have you been playing tdome?

R: that wuld have been fall of 94 so...
R: no,
R: fall of 95
R: which makes it 5 years ish
Giri shivers uncomfortably.

L98: Was Redwolf your first character?

R: no, It was either Abyss of Jahova.
R: not sure which to be honest with you.
R: abyss was my assassin, jahova my slinger. it was when assassins took double
R: xp on td1
R: I remember Loki trying to lead me around north of NV by tele's
R: and walked me right into that DT. moan

L98: When was the best time to play TDome?

R: depends on who you ask.  I was such a newbie on td1 that I have little to
R: no recall of how it was.
R: for me, it was my 'Daffy
R: 'Daffy' days of td2
R: when I used to walk around and just whack shit carelessly.
R: well, no, that's not true totally
R: the best for me were the Mortal days.
R: I had a running tally of corpse retrievals and shit like that. hit 70s :)
R: Mortal was, hard to describe.
R: I think you remember him.
R: but he played so carelessly he kind of drug you along with him.
R: which made playing fun. kind of like the big drop on a rollar coaster
R: heart in stomach etc.

L98: You've run everything from a full crew, jacker and immortal. Which did you like best?

R: I never was really trusted as an imm so there's alot I didn't get to do
R: and I was constantly under this barrage of shit which made it no fun.
R: I'm too lazy for 3 person gamming, but eh,
R: I prolly had the most fun when I was creeping AA for pulse ammo and drgging
R: along newbies just for the thrill.
R: Jackers would have been the most fun but again I got myself in too much shit
R: like,
R: Jacker/Imm was always the ultimate status symbol back in the day
R: so it was all I wanted to be for a loooong time.
R: but what I didn't realize was it's not just an extension of morting
R: yer supposed to be working for tdome :) I paid lip service to that
R: but it never really dawned on me till I saw how techno became.
R: he was an awesome player, and a pimp jacker, and a good imm,
R: when he became imp, he buckled down.  That's what it's about.
R: lessons learned though

L98: You've been playing tdome for a long time now, almost since the beginning.
L98: What made you stay?

R: interesting question.
R: 2 fold I think.
R: the easy answer was it's fun, but we all know I haven't a lways had fun
R: here.
R: the true answer though is,
R: I can do and be anything I want on here.
R: you have met me IRL, I can be caustive but mostly I'm a 400 lb quiet bitch.
R: I'm shy, chicken, scared to just be outgoing etc.
R: however on tdome, I can, and often do say anything.
R: plus,
R: believe it or not, some of the friends i have made here are better and
R: have been more true then friends I've met IRL.
R: take locker. Couldn't stand that cock smoker for years,
R: then I had that shit with my EX and he helped me through it.
R: malibu got me through a pregnancy scare or two,
R: you get the picture.

L98: You are known for your "canteloupe trick." How did this start?

Giri falls down laughing.
R: I figured that would come up.
R: actually I still hear alot of my shit repeated back at me.  You should
R: hear the story on my other mud about my brother walking in on my during sex
R: I took a little poetic lisence with that one, and 2 years later,
R: I still hear about it.
R: but for the canteloupe,
R: you know assault, well,
R: he used to say 'cut a hole in a 'lope and enjoy.'
R: which was a reference to something he read about masturbation and how
R: you could simulate sex on a cantelope.
R: me, being me, decided to pipe up with something like,
R: wouldn't it be cooler though if you microwave it first? make it all hot?
R: although I haven't ever tried it, I will soon.
R: I'm often curious though,
R: if I ever inspired anyone else to try it.
R: actually I'm curious what I've inspired people to do overt he years.
R: like IRL, I got into theatre over the summer
R: and met some people there.  One of them because a pretty good friend,
R: he is in high school, and just started having sex,
R: so I was telling him all these odd things, and got on to the topic of
R: shaving genitals, which you have heard me talk about before.
R: so the next time I see him he's walking a little funny, and goes,
R: 'dood, why didn't you warn me man, it itches!'
Giri chuckles politely.

L98: You've founded at least two clans on TDome. Tell me about your experience as leader.

R: I am the crappiest clan leader in the world.
R: simply cause I'm too lazy.
R: {Teklords} was only started as a whole anti-HEMF thing
R: I wasn't good enough for hemf, so I got salty and made my own thing
R: and actually I have run 3 gangs :P
R: I ran the claw on td3, which was started solely to fuck with DRS' 
R: and though others may disagree, I think assault and I won that war :)
R: clans are,
R: important, but sometimes people take it too seriously.
R: like, if you look at teklords,
R: so many people came and went from it to bigger things,
R: bunches of them making jacker or better, but
R: it's not like I can take credit for it. I recruited people who I had fun wih
R: and they, I hope, had fun with me.
R: I'd much rather lead a group then a gang any time.
R: I don't think I've ever been in a gang I haven't led.

L98: What was the third clan you founded?

R: I ran the claw on td3, which was started solely to fuck with DRS
R: and though others may disagree, I think assault and I won that war :)
R: I was nikkita on td3
R: among other ones. I was diablo :)
R: I don't think people remember anymore, but everyone hated that guy
R: cause I would run around town and steal from sleepers
R: if they woke up, they would aggro me and the guards would get pissed :)
R: childish yeah, but I'm sure this suprises noone.

L98: In your opinion, what aspect of TDome needs to be changed the most?

R: baaaad baaad baad question :P
R: you know like 10 people mud from milwaukee, well, we often get together
R: and when we get together topic usually winds up on tdome for a little bit
R: I have decided to stay out of those conversations from here on out :)
R: but I will put in a brief 2 cents here
R: biggest beef I have is, the classes here are unbalanced, in my eyes,
R: what usually happens is something is changed, made cool, but is deemed
R: too powerful, so they remove it, or change it, or some such.
R: then it stays that way so everyone plays a new class.
R: again that may just be me.
R: but the biggest beef i have, and the thing that kicks my ass,
R: what would happen if you wiped tdome right now and started over?
R: 30-50 people competeing for 10 or so lowbie zones,
R: no cs eq, no good weapons,
R: tdome has been constantly upped to cater to an ever improving player base
R: it's the trickle down economy in effect, fucking reagan.
R: but as they up the mud, it leaves alot of people behin.
R: I would prefer instead, that they say, wipe,
R: pop up with a ptest,
R: make some areas STRICTLY for fucking badasses,
R: some for regular badasses,
R: etc etc.
R: instead of wandering cs2 rocking flurrying psiblasting mobs over half the
R: mud.
R: but that's obviously only my opinion, as lot's of people succeed here.

L98: What part of TDome do you enjoy the most?

R: the people.
R: especially the ones that hate me.
R: gives me something to do :)
R: I can elaborate on that if you wish :P
R: but basically it fits iwth the whole 'why i stay' question from before.

L98: This will be the last question.

R: darn :)

L98: Where do you see yourself in the future?

R: tdome or IRL?

You shrug.

R: tdome: realisticly, wallowing in mediocrity, idealy,
R: as an imm again, this time with something to contribute.
R: that's a whole nother ball of wax, my philosophy of life, but suffice to
R: say I just want to be happy.  Doing what? I don't know, but I have a
R: whole life time to figure that out.

L98: Thank you.

[Legion 98]