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This is an interview between me and Steele on 4/24/00. Steele is also known as Lik, RZA, Erule, Magni, Raekwon, Saafir, Feyde and Gurney. He has played everything from a crazy, solo pkiller vagrant to a derranged TDome lunatic god, causing mortals to fear him. He doesn't do much pkilling now but has a deep history of the practice. Currently, Steele is searching for new ways to mud while avoiding detection by his rather.

L98: First off, tell me about how you got into MUDs in general.

S: I found them by accident when I was searching around in telnet for some Tolkien stuff

L98: How did you find out about TDome?

S: It was one of the MUDs that came up by accident... me and my friend Piet decided to try it out
S: we really liked it right away

L98: What made you choose to play tdome over the other games?

S: I tried another game, I think it was a MUSH
S: and it was all about acting - roll playing
S: which was fun, but you couldn't really do anything
S: I guess the thing I liked about the dome was that I got my ass kicked
S: I was pkd straight for 3 weeks, several times a week
S: I dunno, it was fun in a weird way

L98: When was the best time to play here?

S: Well I have to say when people like Natas and Thor were around
S: were the best.  When HEMF was at it's strongest.  We just had
S: the whole game at our fingers.  I can't forget when I first
S: started hanging with Xerxes, the original HEMF guy - he was
S: the best.  I wish I he'd come back.
S: Basically, before sleep....  :P

L98: When was the worst time to play TDome?

S: well, just before tdome 3, I was on causing trouble
S: I would ploot people because I didn't have time to get
S: gear by myself, and I had recently deleted everyone
S: as I do from time to time.  And Techno got pissed
S: and just killed me all the time
S: Of course, that was just before Tdome3
S: nuff said

L98: If you could change any aspect of TDome, what would it be?

S: Well, I guess in a self-serving way I'd like to be the asshole
S: again and still have people like me.
S: I'd like to pk people but still be able to play when I wanted to.
S: You can't do that these days, which is ok, don't get me wrong.
S: But there was an edge that the dome misses.  I'd like that edge back.
S: You know, when Sanford and Link were causing shit.  It was fun.
S: It made the game interesting.  Plus I like to backstab people.

L98: On TDome, what are you most proud of?

S: I guess the fact that no matter when I log on, whether it's the nest day
S: or 2 years later... people know who I am.  That is pretty cool.

L98: What is your favorite zone, and why?

S: WilderZone without a doubt.  I just like the big mobs and danger there.
S: I've had lots of good times there, so I keep going back.

L98: What do you like the most about TDome?

S: It seems much more real than other muds I've tried.  Somehow they got
S: the balance right in battle.  Other muds you just
S: demolish everything... also I love the vagrant class.  I guess
S: the best part is the renegade spirit.  Although that is less now...
S: But some people still play that way.

L98: You've terrorized players as a solo char, full crew, and as a god. Which did you enjoy most?


L98: Ok down to business. How many people have you pkilled?

S: I can't count.  Distinct people, it might not be that impressive.
S: Actual pkills, now that's a high number...
S: I'd say total pkills like... to be honest it's gotta be around 200.
S: Could be more, could be less...

L98: Why did you kill so many people?

S: For a long time it was the only thing that made the game
S: interesting.  Plus I'd get stoned and just feel like it.
S: There's no good answer, I just found it fun.  And since
S: it's a game, why not?  There's no good answer.  I could..?

L98: A rumor is that you once loaded eq for your chars using your god, Steele. Is this true?

S: No... but also yes.
S: I never loaded gear when it counted.  I was proud of the fact
S: that I always got my stuff fair and square.  There were minor
S: fuck ups, but I was pretty good about it.  I think I do well.
S: When it didn't matter, just before Tdome3 (before I deleted
S: Steele for the last time) I loaded gear on a throw-away
S: assassin char... Techno said it was cool so....
S: But seriously, that was the only time.  And nobody knew who
S: it was.  So - not when I was playing for real.

L98: Another one of two popular rumors is that Vapo is run by you. Is this true?

S: No..... but I can't say who.  I find it funny though.  Like
S: I ever talk with that broken English, event to fool people.
S: *that was a hint*

L98: You have to get your GF's permission to play TDome from home. How do you feel about this?

S: It's worse than that.  I can't play from home.  She's
S: sleeping right now.  I guess it doesn't bother me
S: because she is what I really need.  I can't fuck
S: it up over a game, although I'd really like to.
S: It's just a game ya know... no need for me to 
S: justify living life.  Hell, she rocks my world.
S: It's all good.

L98: Tell me about some of the things you do IRL.

S: Well the thing I like to talk about is music.
S: I play in a band that plays around Portland alot
S: and we're doing pretty well.  We just released
S: our second album...  it's fun.  We're getting more
S: and more fans.  Maybe I'll be able to do it full time.
S: That's my biggest focus right now.  I also work for Columbia
S: Sportswear - I'm a manager there.  Computer programming..
S: boring shit.  I have 3 dogs too, they're cool.  Like to hang
S: wit da dogs.
S: Oh and I have a gf who hates muds.

L98: This will be the last question.
L98: Where do you see yourself in the future?

S: I have really typed a fuckin assload here.
S: This is fun though... ok in the future...
S: I wont' be playin the dome.
S: This is several years down the line.  I think
S: music will eventually work for me, because
S: everything I try to do has worked out in the past..
S: So I think I'll be able to live off it and tour
S: and have a record deal and what not... that's what
S: I want to do.  If that doesn't work, then i'll just keep
S: working in computers and eventually have a family.
S: I'll be Lugnut.
S: I guess that's it...

L98: Thank you.

S: word up slackass

[Legion 98]